Hero Middle School SEL WF1805753

Social-Emotional Learning
Curriculum for Middle School

Promote Success in School and Life

An SEL Curriculum for Middle School Is Crucial to Student Achievement

Programs with built-in SEL components support teachers in implementing an effective social-emotional learning curriculum for middle school students. As these students enter a critical period in their lives, SEL in education considers their developmental needs and ensures they develop self-awareness as they find real-world solutions to the challenges they encounter.

Integrate SEL into the Curriculum

The five SEL competencies—self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness—are infused throughout our evidence-backed core, intervention, and supplemental programs.

Improve SEL Middle School SEL WF1805753

Build Connections in the Classroom

SEL in middle school can develop positive relationships among teachers and students. While participating in classroom discussions and collaborative activities, students learn how to communicate clearly and form connections with classmates.

Build Connections Middle School SEL WF1805753

Improve Self-Management Skills

With SEL lessons, middle school students develop self-management skills that will benefit them in school and life. They learn to navigate peer relationships and resolve conflicts. They set goals and develop action plans to achieve them.

Improve Self Management Middle School SEL WF1805753

The A Chance in the World SEL Curriculum

Supplement SEL programs for middle school students with the A Chance in the World curriculum, based on the best-selling memoir by Steve Pemberton. Students strengthen SEL and ELA skills with discussion starters, related readings, project ideas, and a personal narrative writing workshop.

A Chance in the World Middle School SEL WF1805753

Explore Our SEL Programs for Middle School

SEL components are built into our core, supplemental, and intervention programs—saving teachers time while giving students the support they need.


HMH Into Literature for Grades 6–12 equips students with the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills required for success in tomorrow's world.

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Math in Focus for Grades K–8, the U.S. edition of the highly effective Singapore Math® curriculum, leverages powerful visual models and engaging hands-on activities to empower students to develop the critical-thinking skills, positive attitudes, and confidence needed to set the stage for achievement.

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HMH Social Studies for Grades 6–12 immerses students in history with inquiry-based social studies programs, challenging them to dig deep into the past, ask questions, uncover the connections to their world today, and prepare for tomorrow.

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English 3D for Grades K–12 builds on multilingual learners' existing linguistic strengths to accelerate academic English proficiency.

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Waggle for Grades K–8 delivers adaptive, personalized practice and instruction for students at all proficiency levels.

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Writable for Grades 3–12 guides students through the writing process with scaffolded daily practice and personalized feedback for unparalleled writing growth.

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HMH Into Literature for Grades 6–12 equips students with the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills required for success in tomorrow's world.

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Math in Focus for Grades K–8, the U.S. edition of the highly effective Singapore Math® curriculum, leverages powerful visual models and engaging hands-on activities to empower students to develop the critical-thinking skills, positive attitudes, and confidence needed to set the stage for achievement.

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HMH Social Studies for Grades 6–12 immerses students in history with inquiry-based social studies programs, challenging them to dig deep into the past, ask questions, uncover the connections to their world today, and prepare for tomorrow.

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Waggle for Grades K–8 delivers adaptive, personalized practice and instruction for students at all proficiency levels.

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Writable for Grades 3–12 guides students through the writing process with scaffolded daily practice and personalized feedback for unparalleled writing growth.

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Multilingual Learners

English 3D for Grades K–12 builds on multilingual learners' existing linguistic strengths to accelerate academic English proficiency.

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Personalized Professional Learning

HMH partners with schools and districts to foster a culture of growth through relevant, ongoing professional learning for every educator. Connect with us for guided implementation support for your programs, year-round instructional coaching through HMH’s Coachly™ and courses, and shoulder-to-shoulder partnership for leaders from Center for Model Schools.

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Strengthen academic and life skills with an SEL curriculum for middle school.

Insights & Resources

Explore SEL activities for middle school students, as well as articles and other resources that support an SEL curriculum.

  • Report Type: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party
  • Grade Level: Middle
  • Region: Southeast, Southwest, West
  • Implementation Model: 80+ Minutes
  • Promising Evidence
  • Intervention Curriculum
  • Literacy Curriculum
  • Report Type: Research Evidence Base
  • Demonstrates a Rationale

Strengthen academic and life skills with an SEL curriculum for middle school.

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