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Social Studies Curriculum

Bring history and culture to life

Inspire active citizenship with our 6–12 social studies programs

Challenge students to explore the past and present. Our social studies curriculum delivers compelling, interactive experiences that cultivate the critical thinking and analytical skills children need to succeed in college, career, and civic life. Following the Inquiry Arc of the C3 Framework, students gain a deeper understanding of social studies concepts, sparking meaningful connections to daily life.

Relevant and engaging

Immersive media, audio, and visuals provide relevant content to encourage “Aha!” moments in the classroom.

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Inquiry-based learning

Interactive tools enable students to analyze primary sources like a historian and complete evidence-based writing tasks.

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Flexible resources

Teachers asked, we listened. With Custom Assessments, teachers can create assessments tailored to their students' needs.

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Differentiated instruction

Teachers have numerous differentiated instruction and assessment opportunities to ensure that every student has a clear path to success.

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Explore our social studies program

HMH Social Studies

Grades 6–12

Immerse students in history with inquiry-based social studies programs that challenge them to dig into the past and uncover connections to their world.

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It’s important to ensure that students are looking at primary sources from the past, then taking their historical-thinking skills and applying them to information on the web today.

Danielle LeFebvre

7th-Grade Teacher, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, NC

Inspire students to become engaged citizens.

Insights & Resources

Explore the efficacy of our social studies programs through related articles and additional resources.

Inspire students to become engaged citizens.

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