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Engaging Families and Caregivers in Student Growth

Connecting Families and Caregivers with Student Learning

At HMH, we know that learning extends beyond the classroom, and families and caregivers play a crucial role in a child's academic success. So we provide comprehensive resources that help to foster an environment where learning becomes a shared and enriching experience. Here are a few of the resources HMH provides to connect families and caregivers with student learning.

A Library of Resources in English and Spanish

Family Room is an ever-growing library of resources in English and Spanish to help parents and caregivers support student learning year-round. With their student’s Ed login, they can access assignments, learning sessions, digestible articles, videos, and tips from teachers, parents, and caregivers.


Letters That Outline Each Learning Unit

Learning units in many of our programs include letters to parents and caregivers that outline the theme, selections, and end-of-unit tasks. These letters, available in over 10 languages, build connections in the community and further learning beyond the classroom.


Tools for Easily Sharing Student Progress

Teachers can share various HMH reports that focus on a single student’s progress using “Parent View.” The reports give families and caregivers a view of student strengths, areas for improvement, and their growth over time.


Insights & Resources

Explore resources that provide tips on how parents and caregivers can support their student’s learning.

Explore additional resources on Shaped, HMH's blog for educators.