
HMH Classcraft™

Transforming Every Classroom, Engaging Every Student

Classcraft supports engaging, whole-class instruction for Grades K–8, using proven strategies. 

Whole-Class Instruction, Developed to Engage Every Learner

Classcraft provides standards-aligned, immersive learning experiences that support teachers in responding to students’ needs in real time. The result: less teacher planning, more student engagement.


Saves Educators Time

Classcraft provides ready-made, standards-aligned lessons for ELA and math, making the delivery of whole-class instruction more efficient and effective.


Engages Every Student

Classcraft includes instructional routines that are designed to make learning more interactive, increasing student engagement, ownership of learning, and peer-to-peer collaboration.


Delivers Real-Time Insights

Classcraft aggregates real-time insights on student performance during whole-class instruction, allowing teachers to quickly address the challenges of each learner.

Transform Whole-Class Instruction

Introducing Classcraft

With Classcraft, educators can deliver whole-class instruction using proven, high-impact instructional strategies. Take a look at how this solution can support the teaching craft and improve outcomes for every student.

Classroom Management Made Simple

Classroom management can be a challenge. Classcraft makes it easier, with tools that keep students on task. Even classrooms that aren’t 1:1 can benefit from the whole-class instructional support included in Classcraft. Learn more about the power of the Classcraft three-screen classroom experience below.

Classroom Management Graphic

Classroom Panel

The Classroom Panel is the whole-classroom instruction view. From this view, educators can:

  • Control what is being displayed in the front of the classroom
  • Share student responses anonymously to encourage further discussion
  • Use classroom management tools like a timer, stopwatch, volume meter, and grouping

Student Panel

The Student Panel provides students a more immersive and interactive learning experience. On their own devices, students can:

  • Engage with instructional tools, such as Learning Goals, Turn and Talk, and Polls
  • Collaborate with classmates or respond independently
  • Have their screens paused by educators when they are off task

Teacher Panel

The Teacher Panel is the educator-only view that provides access to ready-made, standards-aligned lessons. From this view, educators can:

  • Plan instruction with built-in teacher notes
  • View real-time insights on each student's performance and readiness 
  • Adapt instruction to meet whole-classroom needs 

Use AI to Summarize Student Responses and Make “In the Moment” Decisions

Using the optional “Summarize Discussions” button in the Teacher Panel, educators can save time during essential sessions by using AI to summarize students’ Turn and Talk responses. The summary will provide educators with similar responses, most common answers, unexpected answers, key themes, and suggested feedback for students.


Elevate Your Core Curriculum with Classcraft

Now it’s even easier to deliver engaging, whole-class instruction, using the most effective math and ELA content. 

Implement Classcraft in K–8 Into Math classrooms to:

  • Save every educator valuable planning time with whole-class, standards-aligned lessons, using the most essential Into Math content
  • Maximize the collaboration and student agency in Into Math lessons 
  • Aggregate real-time insights on student
performance during whole-class instruction,
allowing educators to quickly identify instructional challenges in the moment

Implement Classcraft in K–5 HMH Into Reading classrooms to:

  • Save every educator valuable planning time with ready-made, whole-class lessons in reading, vocabulary, grammar, and writing
  • Maximize the collaboration and student agency in HMH Into Reading lessons 
  • Aggregate real-time insights on student
performance during whole-class instruction,
allowing educators to quickly identify instructional challenges in the moment

Implement Classcraft in 6–8 HMH Into Literature classrooms to:

  • Elevate whole-class instruction with ready-made, standards-aligned lessons, using the most essential HMH Into Literature content
  • Maximize the collaboration and student agency in HMH Into Literature lessons
  • Aggregate real-time insights on student
performance during whole-class instruction,
allowing educators to quickly identify instructional challenges in the moment

Professional Learning for Teacher and Leader Success

  • Guided Implementation

    Teachers starting at any time of the year can get up and running with resources in their Teacher Success Pathway that help them plan, teach, and assess learning, using their new HMH program.

    Classcraft I Nto Reading TSP
  • Teacher’s Corner

    Teacher's Corner® on HMH Ed™ supports educators with year-round PD that puts classroom videos, teaching best practices, and live online events at their fingertips.

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  • Coaching and Courses

    HMH Coachly™ and professional development courses provide personalized support aligned to district needs. Teachers of all experience levels can own their professional growth through continuous partnership with an HMH instructional coach, or get year-round unlimited access to a virtual coach, using Coachly on the HMH Ed platform.

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  • Leader Support

    School and district leaders partner with experts who can help them drive transformation for all learners.

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Classcraft I Nto Reading TSP
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Perfect the craft of teaching with the ultimate time-saving solution.

Insights & Resources

  • Report Type: Research Evidence Base
  • Grade Level: Elementary, Middle
  • Demonstrates a Rationale
  • Literacy Curriculum
  • Math

Transform Every Classroom, Engage Every Student

Into Math + Classcraft Demo Video

Classcraft Ready-Made Lessons for Into Math

Contact Us about Classcraft

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Classcraft Ready-Made Lessons for HMH Into Reading

HMH Into Reading + Classcraft Demo Video

Classcraft Ready-Made Lessons for K-8 ELA and Math

HMH Into Literature + Classcraft Demo Video

Classcraft K–8 ELA and Math Demo Video

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