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Real Schools, Real Results

See firsthand how HMH programs and services support educators and help improve student outcomes.

Hear from educators across the country who have partnered with HMH and found success.

Partnering for Student Success

What It Means to Partner with HMH

Discover how a powerful partnership between HMH and Wayne-Westland Community School District in Michigan led to a cycle of growth through ongoing coaching and in-person support that provided teachers with the time and resources to meet student goals.

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Laurens Overview Web Still 1 0

Connecting Assessment to Instruction

Find out how partnering with HMH to implement its curriculum, supplemental, and assessment solutions exceeded educators’ expectations and drove student achievement in Laurens County, South Carolina.

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A Data-Driven Transformation

See how the move to a digital blended curriculum provided the data tools teachers in Jones County, North Carolina, needed to streamline instruction and personalize learning for each student, without having to purchase extra materials or sign in to multiple platforms.

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Closing Learning Gaps

Take a look at how the community in Blackfoot, Idaho, came together and chose a connected curriculum that understood the story of their diverse learners, and provided digitally blended tools to successfully differentiate instruction and help their students make gains.

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The Power of Connected Solutions

Hear firsthand from educators in Warren County, Kentucky, about their experience driving student success ­using HMH’s combination of core and supplemental programs, built-in assessments, and ongoing professional development—all on one streamlined platform.

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A Visionary Partnership for Success

Go behind the scenes of HMH’s partnership with Henry County, Georgia, to future-proof schools with a blend of print and digital tools that ensure every student has access to the same rigorous instructional resources, whether they’re learning in the classroom or at home.

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The Right Reading Resources

Third-grade teacher Alexandra Gray shares how HMH Into Reading put a range of resources at her fingertips, saving her time and helping her engage all learners.

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Tools for Building Critical Readers

Educators and learners describe how HMH Into Literature offers a variety of paper-based and digital texts, along with tools that aid comprehension, provide real-world grammar practice, and boost writing skills.

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Math Success for All Learners

Teachers and students discuss how HMH Into Math provides a variety of tools to reach all learners, whether they are struggling or excelling, and move them forward.

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A Math Program That Gets Results

Hear how HMH Into Math helped teachers in Kentucky scaffold lessons, resulting in students achieving exponential growth.

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A Reading Success Story

Discover how Read 180® put Jamaica, a former student in Clovis, California, on a path to a bright future.

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Supporting Teachers and Students

A Read 180 teacher describes how the program’s tools allow him to tailor instruction to students’ specific needs and ensure they are always challenged.

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Empowering Math Learners

See how Math 180® gave a student from Norwalk, Connecticut, the confidence to become a leader in the classroom and consider pursuing a future career involving math.

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A Proven Approach to Writing Gains

See how Writable® helps students take ownership of their writing, using tools that guide them through the process of prewriting, drafting, editing, and publishing.

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Personalized Practice for ELA and Math

Hear from teachers who see Waggle® as an assistant in the classroom, helping them to differentiate instruction and ensure every learner stays engaged and grows academically.

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Time to Support Early Readers

Get insight from one district about how Amira Learning® extends the reach of the teacher, allowing them to do small-group lessons while other students are getting one-on-one instruction from Amira.

Personalized Learning
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Personalized Learning at Its Best

Teachers say they’ve become more efficient in the classroom thanks to extensive resources from HMH that help them differentiate instruction for students and boost achievement.

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Tailoring Lessons with Technology

Learn about the digital transformation in Jones County, North Carolina, that’s providing data to drive personalized learning and propel student growth.

Ready to learn how HMH programs can make a difference in your school or district?

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Connecting Assessment to Instruction in Laurens County, South Carolina

The Power of Connected Solutions in Warren County, Kentucky

A Visionary Partnership for Success in Henry County, Georgia

The Right Reading Resources with HMH Into Reading, K-6

Tools for Building Critical Readers with HMH Into Literature, 6-12

Math Success for All Learners with HMH Into Math, K-8

A Math Program That Gets Results - HMH Into Math, K-8

A Reading Success Story - Read 180

Supporting Teachers and Students - Read 180

Empowering Math Learners with Math 180

A Proven Approach to Writing Gains with Writable

Personalized Practice for ELA and Math with Waggle

Personalized Practice for ELA and Math with Waggle

Support Early Readers with Amira Learning

Personalized Learning at its Best

Tailoring Lessons with Technology in Jones County, North Carolina

Closing Learning Gaps in Blackfoot, Idaho

What It Means to Partner with HMH

A Data-Driven Transformation in Jones County, North Carolina