
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 



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WF1992363 Shaped 2024 Blog Post What Is Small Group Instruction

Discover what is small group instruction and how it can give your students a more personalized learning experience.

Dana Leon
Shaped Contributor

Black History Month Bulletin Board 3

These Black History Month bulletin board ideas for elementary and middle school will inspire your students and teach them about African Americans' challenges and triumphs in history.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Famous female scientists

Teach students about eight famous women in science by downloading these posters. These women have contributed to fields ranging from engineering to astronomy to chemistry.

Shaped Staff

HMH High School 2018 4585

Dr. Laurie Cutting investigates how phonics plays a key role in an early learner’s ability to read successfully, while family history can play a role in dyslexia and other struggling readers.

Dr. Laurie E. Cutting
Professor, Vanderbilt University


Activities including creating a sketchnote, writing an ode to an everyday item, and analyzing the theme of a short story.

Shaped Staff

WF2151223 Shaped 2025 Blog Post Re imagining Math Intervention hero

In this article are six features that, when taken together, constitute a reinvention of intervention in the math classroom.

Dr. Juli K. Dixon
Professor of Mathematics Education; Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Mathematics Education

Blog lit language arts activities 9 12 4c284b73b1b0834026b992b9ac93d6bd 4c284b73b1b0834026b992b9ac93d6bd 4c284b73b1b0834026b992b9ac93d6bd

Have high schoolers find inspiration for stories in everyday objects or events and craft advice columns with these downloadable activities for at-home learning.

Shaped Staff


Help students learn about how to plan for the future, with a focus on creating a personal budget and constructing a net worth statement.

Shaped Staff

Hero Shaped 2025 Blog Post Mindfulness ERG WF2153113

In this article, I pause to reflect on the work I’ve been doing with my colleagues and recall a moment where I found permission to pause.

Benita Flucker
Chief Equity & Inclusion Officer, SVP Enterprise Development Strategy, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Presidents day lesson plans and activities

Use these 9 Presidents’ Day lesson plans and activities for middle and high school classrooms to foster engaged and informed citizens.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Brenda Iasevoli
Shaped Executive Editor


Help your children in Grade 2 understand multidigit numbers and hone their addition and subtraction skills with free animal-based activities.

Shaped Staff

WF1995913 Shaped 2024 Classcraft blog batch2 15

Amanda Clark
Shaped Contributor

G4 Math Activity Set Food in Space and More

Use this grade 3 math activity to help students learn about the math of our system system.

Shaped Staff

WF1313693 Hero

No matter what your middle school or high school class is reading, these writing prompts about love will get them ready for Valentine's Day.

Ali Habashi
Former Shaped Editor

School Bus Hero Option 4

Use PBIS on the school bus to manage student behavior. PBIS may look different on the bus, but there are still many ideas to implement it successfully.

Mary Dean
Shaped Contributor

WF1995913 Shaped 2024 Classcraft blog batch2 1

Explore 14 fun wrap-up activities that can enhance student engagement and solidify learning.

Melissa Williams
Shaped Contributor


Have high schoolers continue learning from home by evaluating a news article for reliability, maintaining a dialectical journal, and responding to daily dinner prompts.

Shaped Staff

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Explore a variety of scientific learning activities to engage in the great outdoors.

Shaped Staff