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and shaping the future of education.* 

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At HMH, we are looking forward to talking about equity in K-12 education at the 10th Annual ASU GSV Summit in San Diego, California, on April 8–10, 2019.

Caitlin Henault
Senior Communications Associate, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

March Braille 3

With this two-part blog series, teachers can incorporate learning Braille with math through creative scenarios, historical details, and fun puzzles.

Ally Zmijeski
Associate Learning Architect, Math

What Happens After  Failure In The Science Classroom 1

Teaching about failure in an engineering context can help students better understand how this becomes a learning opportunity.

Dr. Cary Sneider
NGSS Writing Team Leader, Associate Research Professor at Portland State University

Math180 Mindset Poster Hero

Here's a helpful list of healthy habits to enable a growth mindset in math, plus a free downloadable poster for your classroom.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

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Explore 22 PBIS rewards ideas for individual students, classrooms, and school-wide incentives. Find success in teaching students positive classroom behaviors.

Casey Brown
Shaped Contributor

The Power Of A Letter

One school replaced the "F" grade with the "I" grade, standing for "incomplete" or "insufficient amount of evidence," which inspired a growth mindset culture.

Robert Bowman
Principal, Harrison Middle School

Muir Carson2

In celebration of Earth Day, HMH's Archivist recognizes the two great HMH authors who had an indirect hand in its creation.

Susan Steinway
Archivist, HMH

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Learn how to plan lessons using IICT tools. Explore eight tips to develop technology-infused lesson plans.

Jenny Fulton
Shaped Contributor

March Advising On Social Media 1

An expert offers some simple warnings to share with students so that they thoughtfully—and carefully—engage on these platforms.

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

March Braille 1

With this two-part blog series, teachers can incorporate learning Braille with math through creative scenarios, historical details, and fun puzzles.

Ally Zmijeski
Associate Learning Architect, Math

Hero Sxswedu Carmen

“Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?” is a common question with an elusive answer. On March 5, 2019, Carmen Sandiego was in Austin, Texas, for SXSW EDU.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

Hero Sxswedu Hogg

At SXSW EDU, David Hogg of March For Our Lives joined Dan Rather for an inspiring conversation about the youth voice.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

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Whenever possible, examples should be profiled from students' immediate or regional surroundings.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

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Catch up on what you missed at SXSW EDU 2019 in HMH's video series with featured speakers to talk about the highlights of their sessions.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

How to Guide and Monitor Student Learning

Learn how to monitor student progress during a lesson by using practical strategies to ensure effective teaching and student comprehension.

Jenny Fulton
Shaped Contributor

Hero M180Hero Joel Leventhal Post

A MATH 180 Educator Award winner discusses the symbiotic relationship between teaching math to his middle school students and learning Spanish from them.

Joel Leventhal
Consultant, Math Solutions

Hero Sxswedu Twitter

HMH was in Austin, Texas, March 4–7, 2019, for SXSW EDU. Panels covered topics from equity in education to bringing Carmen Sandiego back to classrooms.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

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Chris Hammer, creator and developer of Charlala: Conversational Learning Practice, won the HMH + LearnLaunch World Languages Design Challenge grand prize.

Jamie Downey
Shaped Contributor

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.