Exploring the State of Teaching in the 5th Annual Educator Confidence Report

Introducing The 5Th Annual Ecr Report

I'm excited to introduce the Fifth Annual Educator Confidence Report.

At HMH, we believe that the student-teacher relationship is the most vital part of the classroom experience. As a learning company focused on improving outcomes, we are committed to honoring and nurturing that relationship. To do this well, we must take the time to listen closely and understand the realities facing the teaching profession today, both the triumphs and challenges.  

Ecr Concerns Administrators Teachers

Within the report, you will find essential, powerful insights from educators across the country about the issues that impact them daily, from edtech integration to salaries and school safety to the influence of environmental stressors on the classroom experience.

This year, we are also excited to introduce the first-ever Educator Confidence Index, a unique measure of educators’ overarching sentiment regarding the profession drawn from key survey indicators. This snapshot (the only one of its kind) captures an overall educator confidence score of 43 (out of 100). Surely, we can, and must, continue to improve.  

Confidence Index3

This information is critical not only to HMH, but to all of us. The experiences of our students and educators are rich and nuanced, deserving of our full respect and understanding. While educators report increasing confidence in their use of educational technology and in their collaborative relationships with one another, their total confidence in the professional declined this year, with a new concern rising to the top of the list—the social and emotional needs of their students.

Our school communities offer much more than academics. They are essential spaces for growth, where young people learn how to be empathetic, confident and engaged, responsible citizens. Our report reminds us how important a holistic approach to learning is and, in underscoring the educator perspective, helps all of us think critically about how to best support teachers as they work tirelessly each day to nurture and inspire the next generation. 


To explore the full Fifth Annual Educator Confidence Report, click here.

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