The power of storytelling: Catalysts for connection and growth
Stories are the currency of leadership and learning, exchanged like precious commodities to enrich our understanding and deepen our connections. The Model Schools Conference, an annual gathering of exemplary educators hosted by HMH, curates spaces where storytelling is bold, innovative, and safe, inviting educators at every level to exchange currency and learn from one another in meaningful ways. As leaders and learners, we have a vast collection of stories at our disposal. But choosing the right currency—the most impactful narratives—requires careful consideration.
Here are the questions I ask myself when selecting the stories I want to share:
- How can I inspire my students, staff, and stakeholders to embrace change?
- What vision can I share that will unify our community?
- What stories and experiences will resonate most with educators in the room?
A full circle journey of transformative leadership
In 2018, I stood as a school leader at a Model School, grappling with these very questions. That year, transformation wasn’t just an option, it was a necessity. To reach every student in the building, my leadership team and I developed the One-Minute Meeting—a strategy designed to bring students to the table and truly hear their stories. And oh, the stories they shared! These brief yet powerful conversations unlocked a wealth of insights, helping us understand our students’ needs and dreams in a way that transformed our entire approach to school change and student stakeholdership.
Fast forward to 2024, and I found myself in a new role as a senior fellow at the Center for Model Schools, HMH’s organization for developing school leadership, still navigating those same inquiries, but now on a broader stage—working with schools and districts across the country. This year, I had the privilege of sharing the One-Minute Meeting practice with the educators who attended. The stories shared with me following the session confirmed what I’ve long believed: our profession is rich with educators who are passionate about serving. The feedback and the narratives brought forward reaffirm that these strategies aren’t just about logistics; they are about connecting deeply with the heart of our work—our students.
This journey has come full circle for me, and it’s more than just a professional milestone; it’s a personal testament to the enduring power of storytelling in our lives as educators. This year, with 48 states represented, over 100 participants from international territories, and nearly 5,000 educators from 583 districts, the Model Schools Conference is truly a wealth of collective experience and knowledge. We came together to share not just best practices, but our stories—our struggles, triumphs, and aspirations. This gathering isn’t just about the curriculum we deliver or the assessments we administer, it’s about the stories we tell—woven together in the rich tapestry of education.
Energize your passion, fuel your momentum
That’s why the Model Schools Conference is the perfect place to exchange ideas and inspiration. Whether leading a school or implementing a new initiative, I often relied on educators to nudge, confirm, and challenge me. As educators, we sometimes need to reignite our passion and refresh our momentum. Unlike traditional conferences with vendors and expos, MSC is a dynamic marketplace for ideas and experiences designed to energize and inspire. Transitioning from the classroom to the stage, I realized that my role was not to sell ideas but to support educators and leaders in better serving their students, schools, and districts.
The Model Schools Conference reflects this vision. We believe in transforming education not through selling solutions, but by elevating the people who drive change. Here, your stories become the showcases, and your educational journeys become change drivers for others. The real power lies in exchanging narratives that inspire, challenge, and ignite progress.
Whether you're a classroom teacher, principal, or district leader, our stories are our greatest currency. Sharing your story with fellow educators can spark new ideas, foster collaboration, and drive meaningful change. Each story shared at MSC is an investment in reigniting passion and building collective momentum to enhance education. This impact extends far beyond the conference. By investing in each other, we maximize our potential and advance our shared mission to create real, lasting change in schools and communities worldwide.
The currency of change: From your school to the nation’s capital
Reflecting on this full-circle journey, I invite you to reflect on these questions this school year:
1. What stories do you carry from your experiences that are currently shaping your approach to learning and leadership?
2. How can your students’ narratives inform the practices you implement in your school or district?
3. How can we ensure that every student’s story is valued as a unique currency that drives change in our educational system?
As we look forward to the Model Schools 2025 in Washington, D.C., I encourage you to exchange your currency with others. Share your stories, apply to present, and make plans to join us and hear other stories and experiences. Each story shared is a steppingstone toward a more equitable and engaging educational experience, contributing to the global education landscape. In Washington, D.C., where history meets possibility, let’s ensure our narratives become the currency that drives this significant shift in education. I can’t wait to meet you there!
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.
Hear more from Dr. Mary Hemphill on our Teachers in America podcast. She recently joined us to share how to leverage the unique instructional practice of the One-Minute Meeting to engage and empower students as school stakeholders.
Join us for the 33rd Annual Model Schools Conference | June 2025 | Washington, DC