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Using Coaching to Effectively Onboard, Engage, and Support New Hires

New teachers come to us with purpose and passion, what will you do as a leader to nurture the next generation of educators? Reflect back on your first year of teaching—what did you need to feel supported and be successful? In this edWebinar, viewers:

  • Explore best practices for ensuring new teachers are supported to become a successful part of your school community
  • Identify structures you can put in place now to invest in your new teachers
  • Learn how effective coaching for new teachers is critical to everyone’s success

This recorded edWebinar is of interest to K-12 teachers, school and district leaders, and district curriculum coordinators.

About the Presenters

Aimee Corrigan, Ph.D. is a senior VP product management with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Dr. Corrigan brings more than 20 years of teaching and leadership in elementary, secondary, and higher education settings to her current work developing rich professional learning experiences for teachers and leaders.

Before coming to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Dr. Corrigan served as an achievement coordinator, summer school principal, and interim principal in a Denver K-8 school. Despite the struggles of extreme poverty, high percentages of English language learners, and poor incoming reading and math skills, students at her school regularly outperformed peers in their neighboring schools and made gains that twice earned them the state of Colorado’s Distinguished Growth Award.

In addition to her work in building-level administration, Dr. Corrigan has regularly provided professional development to teachers and school leaders through her partnerships with both a national school system and a national reading enrichment program.

Scott Traub has happily been part of the ICLE community for nearly ten years now, providing districts throughout the country with the supports they need to stimulate student growth. Scott firmly believes that increased student achievement comes with delivering personalized learning strategies and innovative solutions that match unique district, school, and student needs. Regardless of the size or demographic, ICLE has the solutions and personalized delivery that drives results.

Scott deeply respects the servant mindset that so many educators adopt in addressing their students’ needs first, and has embraced that servant mindset in his own work. He strives to build strong relationships with schools and districts and stay tuned in to their needs throughout their work with ICLE and for years after.

About the Moderator

Molly Michie has been working in service of educators for the majority of her career. In her current position as Director of Professional Services Product Management and Strategy, she is focused on bringing innovative coaching solutions to market. Molly holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from Georgetown University.