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Using Assessment Results to Optimize Decision Making

60 Minutes

With the myriad of results and data we're able to collect, how can educators know which tools and assessments are the best to observe, measure, and understand where students are? How can we best use assessment results to guide decision-making?

Join Dr. Julie Miles, SVP Learning Sciences, Measurement & Data Analytics at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, as she brings focus to the actionable insights used to develop more effective and explicit paths toward achievement for all students.

During this session, attendees can expect to learn:

  • An overview of the types of assessments available for teachers and their fit for purpose
  • How teachers can use student results to make meaningful decisions to optimize a student’s learning journey
  • How administrators can use student results to support teachers’ professional development and guide curriculum selection

About the Presenter
Julie Miles, PhD is a renowned expert in educational measurement, standard setting methodology, psychometrics, content development, product development, efficacy, and accessibility. She uses her wide-ranging perspective in the K12 education market to create robust solutions to complex teaching and learning challenges in a constantly changing landscape. She is passionate about turning data into meaningful information and actionable insights to support instructionally relevant decision-making. Her reason “why” is to do the right thing for learners and their teachers.

This series is intended for non US-based educators.