Core Curriculum
Proven literacy solutions for every learner in Grades K-12
Best-in-class core instruction
Grounded in evidence-based research and guided by learning sciences, HMH makes it easy to deliver K–12 literacy instruction that drives student achievement.

Diverse voices in literature
Students benefit from high interest, culturally relevant texts and characters that have undergone a rigorous review for quality.

Personalized supplemental practice and intervention
Our literacy programs offer a range of instructional approaches to ensure every student succeeds.

The power of connected teaching and learning
Get your reading curriculum, supplemental practice, intervention, and professional learning in one place. That's the power of Connected Teaching and Learning from HMH. Select your grade level to get started.
Grades K–2
Standards-aligned instruction with HMH Into Reading®
HMH Into Reading (Grades K–6) addresses all areas of early literacy with an evidence-based scope and sequence to develop fluent, automatic readers. ¡Arriba la Lectura! (Grades K–6) is an equitable Spanish program for dual language classrooms.
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1:1 reading tutoring and assessment with Amira®
Amira connects oral reading fluency assessment results with relevant HMH Into Reading content and resources. Students are automatically placed into 1:1 reading tutoring powered by dozens of precise micro-interventions.
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Personalized skill practice and instruction with Waggle®
Waggle aligns with HMH Into Reading's scope and sequence to easily reinforce core instruction, foster social and emotional learning, and establish foundational reading skills in phonics, phonemic awareness, and fluency.
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Grades 3–6
Standards-aligned instruction with HMH Into Reading
HMH Into Reading (Grades K–6) addresses all areas of early literacy with an evidence-based scope and sequence to develop fluent, automatic readers. ¡Arriba la Lectura! (Grades K–6) is an equitable Spanish program for dual language classrooms.
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1:1 reading tutoring and assessment with Amira
Amira connects oral reading fluency assessment results with relevant HMH Into Reading content and resources. Students are automatically placed into 1:1 reading tutoring powered by dozens of precise micro-interventions.
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Personalized skill practice and instruction with Waggle
Waggle aligns with HMH Into Reading's scope and sequence to easily reinforce core instruction, foster social and emotional learning, and establish foundational reading skills in phonics, phonemic awareness, and fluency.
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Scaffolded writing practice with Writable®
Writable gives students the level of writing support that’s exactly right for them. Developed from rigorous foundational research, Writable is the only solution that tracks and improves student writing growth.
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Grades 6–8
Standards-aligned instruction with HMH Into Literature®
HMH Into Literature (Grades 6–12) equips students with the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills required for success in tomorrow's world.
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Personalized skill practice and instruction with Waggle
Waggle aligns with HMH Into Literature, making it easier to reinforce core instruction with embedded lessons and practice assignments that target a range of skills.
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Scaffolded writing practice with Writable
Writable® gives students the level of writing support that’s exactly right for them. Developed from rigorous foundational research, Writable is the only solution that tracks and improves student writing growth.
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Grades 9-12
Standards-aligned instruction with HMH Into Literature
HMH Into Literature (Grades 6–12) equips students with the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills required for success in tomorrow's world.
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Scaffolded writing practice with Writable
Writable gives students the level of writing support that’s exactly right for them. Developed from rigorous foundational research, Writable is the only solution that tracks and improves student writing growth.
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A teacher’s experience: Alexandra's story
Third-grade teacher Alexandra Gray shares how our Into Reading program puts a range of resources at her fingertips, saving her time and helping her engage all learners.
Awards and accolades

2023 SIIA CODiE winner
HMH ELA K–12 Connected Curriculum, Amira, Writable, Waggle

2023 Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence winner
Read 180

2021 EdTech Breakthrough Awards winner
Explore our literacy programs
From comprehensive instruction and adaptive assessments to technology-driven interventions, our solutions are designed to propel reading and writing success.
All Products
HMH Into Reading®
HMH ¡Arriba la Lectura!
HMH Into Literature®
A Chance in the World Integrated SEL Curriculum
Amira Learning®
English 3D®
Read 180®
Rigby JillE Literacy®
HMH Into Reading for Grades K–6 addresses all areas of early literacy with an evidence-based scope and sequence to develop fluent, automatic readers.
HMH ¡Arriba la Lectura!™ is a comprehensive K–6 Spanish literacy program. When paired with HMH Into Reading, the programs provide a complete Spanish-English solution for biliteracy and dual-language classrooms.

HMH Into Literature for Grades 6–12 equips students with the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills required for success in tomorrow's world.
A Chance in the World Integrated SEL Curriculum for Grades 8–12 builds SEL skills by helping students understand the life-changing power of hope, empathy, resilience, and acts of kindness.
Amira Learning for Grades K–6 provides effective 1:1 reading tutoring that doubles student reading growth, a reading fluency assessment, and dyslexia risk screening in English and Spanish—from anywhere.
Collections for Grades 6–12 provides diverse materials to help students analyze complex texts, reason critically, and communicate more effectively.
English 3D for Grades K–12 builds on multilingual learners' existing linguistic strengths to accelerate academic English proficiency.
Journeys for Grades K–6 provides an instructional system for reading literature and informational texts, acquiring foundational skills, and developing speaking, listening, and writing mastery.
Read 180 for Grades 3–12 helps striving readers gain the foundational and comprehension skills they need for fluent reading within a dedicated intervention class or a core classroom.
Customers can use NWEA MAP Growth—included with the Read 180 subscription—to place students into the student application and as beginning-of-year, middle-of-year, and end-of-year benchmarking and continued measurement.
Waggle for Grades K–8 delivers adaptive, personalized practice and instruction for students at all proficiency levels.

Writable for Grades 3–12 guides students through the writing process with scaffolded daily practice and personalized feedback for unparalleled writing growth.
Rigby JillE Literacy (Grades K–3) seamlessly complements HMH Into Reading® instruction by building robust reading skills through engaging stories and poems, well-organized teaching methods, and focused whole-class and small-group activities. The program improves decoding, language comprehension, and nurtures social and emotional learning skills, propelling early reading proficiency for every student.
Core Instruction
HMH Into Reading for Grades K–6 addresses all areas of early literacy with an evidence-based scope and sequence to develop fluent, automatic readers.
HMH ¡Arriba la Lectura!™ is a comprehensive K–6 Spanish literacy program. When paired with HMH Into Reading, the programs provide a complete Spanish-English solution for biliteracy and dual-language classrooms.

HMH Into Literature for Grades 6–12 equips students with the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills required for success in tomorrow's world.
Journeys for Grades K–6 provides an instructional system for reading literature and informational texts, acquiring foundational skills, and developing speaking, listening, and writing mastery.
Collections for Grades 6–12 provides diverse materials to help students analyze complex texts, reason critically, and communicate more effectively.
Amira Learning®
A Chance in the World Integrated SEL Curriculum
Rigby JillE Literacy®
Amira Learning for Grades K–6 provides effective 1:1 reading tutoring that doubles student reading growth, a reading fluency assessment, and dyslexia risk screening in English and Spanish—from anywhere.
Waggle for Grades K–8 delivers adaptive, personalized practice and instruction for students at all proficiency levels.

Writable for Grades 3–12 guides students through the writing process with scaffolded daily practice and personalized feedback for unparalleled writing growth.
A Chance in the World Integrated SEL Curriculum for Grades 8–12 builds SEL skills by helping students understand the life-changing power of hope, empathy, resilience, and acts of kindness.
Rigby JillE Literacy (Grades K–3) seamlessly complements HMH Into Reading® instruction by building robust reading skills through engaging stories and poems, well-organized teaching methods, and focused whole-class and small-group activities. The program improves decoding, language comprehension, and nurtures social and emotional learning skills, propelling early reading proficiency for every student.
Read 180 for Grades 3–12 helps striving readers gain the foundational and comprehension skills they need for fluent reading within a dedicated intervention class or a core classroom.
Customers can use NWEA MAP Growth—included with the Read 180 subscription—to place students into the student application and as beginning-of-year, middle-of-year, and end-of-year benchmarking and continued measurement.
English 3D for Grades K–12 builds on multilingual learners' existing linguistic strengths to accelerate academic English proficiency.
Personalized professional learning
HMH partners with schools and districts to foster a culture of growth through relevant, ongoing professional learning for every educator. Connect with us for guided implementation support for your programs, year-round instructional coaching through HMH’s Coachly™ and courses, and shoulder-to-shoulder partnership for leaders from Center for Model Schools.

Insights and resources

Check out the latest differentiated reading strategies to help you meet your students' diverse needs.

Incorporate Notice & Note Signposts into your reading or ELA curriculum with these strategies and tips for teachers.

The most productive literacy block schedules include various reading and writing activities and instruction to help build foundational skills.
- Report Type: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party
- Grade Level: Elementary
- Region: West
- District Urbanicity: Suburban
- District Size: Medium
- Report Type: Efficacy Study
- Grade Level: Elementary, Middle
- Region: West
- Population: Students with Disabilities, Students with Specific Learning Disabilities, Students with Dyslexia
- District Urbanicity: Suburban
- District Size: Small
- Implementation Model: 40-59 Minutes
- Report Type: Efficacy Study
- Grade Level: Elementary, Middle, High
- Region: Southeast
- District Urbanicity: Urban, Suburban
- District Size: Large
Discover the transformative power of literacy.
Discover the transformative power of literacy.
A Connected Solution
We invite you to learn more about our adaptive supplemental and intervention solutions, powered and informed by your students' assessment data.
A Connected Solution
We invite you to learn more about our adaptive supplemental and intervention solutions, powered and informed by your students' assessment data.
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