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¡Arriba la Lectura! Research Evidence Base

At a glance

¡Arriba la Lectura!™ is a Grades K–6, comprehensive literacy curriculum that equips all Spanish language learning students at each grade level with the skills to become successful readers and writers. This authentic approach to teaching Spanish literacy exposes students to a variety of texts written by native Spanish-speaking authors, while also teaching the foundational elements of the Spanish language. ¡Arriba la Lectura! can be used in any bilingual or dual language program model to support growth in students’ first and second languages while simultaneously teaching grade-level content.

Authored by leaders in the field, ¡Arriba la Lectura! is built upon a foundation of research proven to be effective in raising students’ achievement. The ¡Arriba la Lectura! Research Evidence Base paper establishes the evidence base for the program’s instructional approach. The paper draws on the most conclusive literacy research, including research on Spanish language foundational skills and Spanish language acquisition, biliteracy, and effective dual language classroom practices.

The ¡Arriba la Lectura! Research Evidence Base paper covers numerous topic areas, including how the program addresses the following key elements of literacy:

  • Spanish foundational reading skills
  • Spanish sound system
  • Spanish language development
  • oral language and vocabulary development
  • fluency and comprehension
  • appreciation of Spanish language and literature
  • writing
  • speaking and listening

In addition, the paper addresses the following contextual elements:

  • differentiated instruction and personalized learning
  • learning mindset
  • family and community engagement
  • technology in the service of teaching and learning
  • assessments for instruction and differentiation
  • blended professional learning