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Sample HMH Social Studies
Grades 6-12

HMH Social Studies is the comprehensive 6-12 social studies solution that gives teachers
the flexibility they need to plan, teach, assess, and differentiate.

Choose a review option to see how HMH Social Studies empowers teachers to tailor their classroom experience while fully aligning with state and district standards within a single solution.

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WF1814841 ILP 2023 NTL Sample Intermediary Pages Preview Instructional Materials

Receive Full Digital Access

Explore the middle school digital offering with World Civilizations, World Geography, United States History, and Civics live on Ed, the HMH Learning Platform.

*Note World Geography is not available for sale outside of the United States.


WF1814841 ILP 2023 NTL Sample Intermediary Pages Recieve Full Access

Receive Full Digital Access

Explore the high school digital offering with American History, World History, United States Government, Economics, Global Geography, and African American History live on Ed, the HMH Learning Platform.

Request Access to the HMH Into Reading Online Preview

Thank you for your interest in the Into Reading online preview, where you can access HMH’s core, supplemental, assessment, and professional learning resources on Ed, the HMH learning platform.

Simply fill out the form below to receive your credentials.

Note: Due to the sensitivity of teacher resources, only K–12 educators may use this form to request access

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