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Sample Read 180
Grades 3-12

Read 180® is the intensive intervention reading program built to meet the needs
of striving readers who are one year or more below grade level.

Choose your preferred implementation

Intervention Classroom R180 WF1905015

Dedicated Classroom Intervention

Incorporates a blended model that includes teacher-led and student-centered adaptive application instruction and practice.

Core Classroom R180 WF1905015

Core Classroom Flex Intervention

The student-centered adaptive application supports reading comprehension and builds knowledge from phonics to fluency to comprehension.

Request Access to the READ 180 Online Preview

Thank you for your interest in the Read 180 online preview, where you can access HMH’s core, supplemental, assessment, and professional learning resources on Ed, the HMH learning platform.

Simply fill out the form below to receive your credentials.

Note: Due to the sensitivity of teacher resources, only K–12 educators may use this form to request access

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