Hero Science Dimensions WF1626406


Available in Spanish

Engineered for Success with NGSS

Empower students in Grades K–12 to learn science through self-directed exploration, analysis, application, and explanation.

Designed to Address the Next Generation Science Standards*

HMH Science Dimensions K–12 and HMH Dimensiones de las Ciencias™ K–8 + Biología put students in charge of their learning and enable teachers to seamlessly guide their students on a proven instructional path.

Cohesive Curriculum Engages Students

With its cohesive, spiraled approach, the NGSS curriculum provides a consistent and engaging experience from kindergarten through high school.

Cohesive Curriculum Science Dimensions WF1626406

Empowering, Student-Led Lessons

Activity-driven lessons put students in charge of their learning, while teachers guide the process and ensure mastery of standards, leading to greater student achievement.

Empowering Student Led Science Dimensions WF1626406

Distinguished Authorship Team Ensures Success

Developed by science thought leaders and education experts, HMH Science Dimensions gives teachers the tools they need to prepare students for the world beyond the classroom.

Distinguished Authorship Science Dimensions WF1626406

Inspire the Next Generation of Scientists and Innovators

Encouraging Students to Explore through Experimentation: HMH Science Dimensions motivates students to ask questions, state claims, test their ideas, and find resolution through reasoning—skills needed for next-generation careers.

Elevate Science Literacy and Engineering to Meet the NGSS with Ease

Science Dimensions Student Experience 1 WF1626406

Build Confidence with Authentic Investigations

Each lesson begins with a Can You Explain It? question—a problem to solve or a discrepant event to explain. This feature sparks curiosity in students and serves as the context for three-dimensional learning and hands-on activities.

Drive Learning With Handson Science Dimensions WF1626406

Drive Learning with Hands-On
 Activities and Labs

Students actively “do science” through hands-on science activities and labs; they think critically about their observations, practice gathering evidence, and defend their claims.

Elevate Engineering Science Dimensions WF1626406

Inspire Students to Consider a Career in STEM

STEM is integrated into every unit, emphasizing engineering design as well as scientific literacy. Take it Further features careers in science and engineering to show students the real-world applications of what they’re learning.

Teacher Experience

Three-Dimensional Learning Made Simple

This science curriculum uses the 5E Instructional Model and each lesson has unique interrelated 3D Learning Objectives that ensure 100% coverage of the NGSS. The HMH NGSS trace tool allows teachers to quickly view what students should already know and what they need to learn next.

Three Dimensional Learning Science Dimensions WF1626406

Let Students Show What They Know

Flexible assessment tools are available in various formats, including formal, performance-based, and technology-enhanced assessments, to evaluate student learning according to NGSS.

Let Students Show What They Know Science Dimensions WF1626406

Appropriate Component Configurations

HMH Science Dimensions provides a consistent pedagogical approach from kindergarten through high school, with component configurations across grade bands that ensure ease of implementation and standards alignment.

Appropriate Component Config Science Dimensions WF1626406

Components of HMH Science Dimensions

  • Grades K–5

    Single-grade elementary editions feature complete print and digital curricula, including write-in textbooks and Interactive Online Student and Teacher Editions with built-in professional development support.

    Girl With Tablet Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
  • Grades 6–8

    At the middle school level, 12 topical modules (write-in texts plus full digital editions) covering Life, Earth & Space, Physical Science, and Engineering can be matched to a district’s curriculum.

    Teacher Students Outside Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
  • Dimensiones de las Ciencias

    Components include interactive write-in Spanish worktexts for Grades K–8 (including a hardcover Spanish text for Biology), Spanish assessment guides for Grades K–8, and a Spanish Teacher Edition for Grades K–5.

    WF1530101 dimensionesdelaciencias
  • Biology

    A complete print and digital curriculum that offers the flexibility of a consumable or non-consumable Student Text, both including the same content and utilizing innovative design to reinforce student-centric learning.

    Students Lab Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
  • Chemistry

    A complete print and digital curriculum with a hardcover Student Text that utilizes innovative design to reinforce student-centric learning.

    Wf60694 Physics 1600 900
  • Earth & Space Science

    Acomplete print and digital curriculum with a hardcover Student Text that utilizes innovative design to reinforce student-centric learning.

    Science Class Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
  • Physics

    A complete print and digital curriculum that offers the flexibility of a consumable or non-consumable Student Text, both including the same content and utilizing innovative design to reinforce student-centric learning.

    Wf60694 Chemistry 1600 900
Girl With Tablet Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
Teacher Students Outside Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
WF1530101 dimensionesdelaciencias
Students Lab Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
Wf60694 Physics 1600 900
Science Class Hmh Sci Dim Wf284935
Wf60694 Chemistry 1600 900

The Power of Connected Teaching and Learning

Ed, the HMH learning platform, combines the best of technology, HMH Science Dimensions content, and instruction to personalize the teaching and learning experience.

Immersive Digital Curriculum

Online lessons are enriched above and beyond print lessons. Students can view videos and animations, interact with instructional images and text, enter responses, pursue intellectual interests by choosing lesson paths, and enjoy simulation-based learning.

Immersive Digital Curriculum Science Dimensions WF1626406

Support for Teaching and Learning

Via Ed, educators can manage classes and assignments and schedule virtual classroom sessions. They can quickly access content, search program resources, and create customized lessons and assessments. Class and student performance data in the Assessment and Standards Reports inform grouping and support instructional decisions.

Support for Teaching Science Dimensions WF1626406

At-Home and Offline Support

Ed’s connected experience supports both in-person and online learning. HMH Go extends the classroom by allowing students to download their HMH Science Dimensions digital resources for later offline use.

At Home Online Support Science Dimensions WF1626406

Professional learning for teacher and leader success

  • Guided implementation

    Teachers starting at any time of the year can get up and running with resources in their Teacher Success Pathway that help them plan, teach, and assess learning, using their new HMH program.

    PL guided implementation 2
  • Teacher’s Corner

    Teacher's Corner® on HMH Ed™ supports educators with year-round PD that puts classroom videos, teaching best practices, and live online events at their fingertips.

    PD 2 WF1921250
  • Coaching and courses

    HMH Coachly™ and professional development courses provide personalized support aligned to district needs. Teachers of all experience levels can own their professional growth through continuous partnership with an HMH instructional coach, or get year-round unlimited access to a virtual coach, using Coachly on the HMH Ed platform.

    PL Leadership Advisory Science Dimensions WF1626406
  • Leader support

    School and district leaders partner with experts who can help them drive transformation for all learners.

    PL Teachers Corner Science Dimensions WF1626406
PL guided implementation 2
PD 2 WF1921250
PL Leadership Advisory Science Dimensions WF1626406
PL Teachers Corner Science Dimensions WF1626406

Simplify the transition to next-generation science.

Insights and Resources

  • Report Type: Research Evidence Base
  • Grade Level: Elementary, Middle, High
  • Demonstrates a Rationale
  • Science Curriculum
  • Report Type: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party
  • Grade Level: Middle
  • Region: Midwest, Northeast
  • District Urbanicity: Suburban, Rural
  • Demonstrates a Rationale
  • Science Curriculum
  • Report Type: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party
  • Grade Level: Elementary
  • District Urbanicity: Suburban, Rural
  • Demonstrates a Rationale
  • Science Curriculum

Simplify the transition to next-generation science with HMH Science Dimensions.

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*Next Generation Science Standards and logo are registered trademarks of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners thatdeveloped the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in theproduction of this product, and they do not endorse it.

HMH Science Dimensions 9-12 Components and Features

HMH Science Dimensions 6-8 Components and Features

HMH Science Dimensions K-5 Components and Features

HMH Science Dimensions Digital Walkthrough Guide for Ed K-12

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