
Podcast: Teachers in America

1 Min Read
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Join us on Teachers in America to hear the incredible stories of real teachers. In each episode, our host, HMH's Senior Director of Community Engagement and former teacher, Noelle Morris, connects with an educator across the country and explores education topics like improving student outcomes, incorporating SEL and equity in the classroom, and adjusting to new challenges. Listen to the latest season of Teachers in America below and meet the inspiring educators we've had the opportunity to interview.

Teachers in America Season 6

Building Vocabulary to Increase Reading Comprehension with Abbey Behnke

HMH Teacher Ambassador Abbey Behnke shares instructional strategies and activities to engage students in vocabulary learning. Plus, she discusses how vocabulary is a catalyst for building reading comprehension skills.

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Turning Appreciation into Action with Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona

In honor of 2024 Teacher Appreciation Week, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona joins HMH CEO Jack Lynch to discuss pressing issues in education, such as integrating AI in the classroom, tackling teacher burnout, and building respect for the teaching profession.

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Embracing Data and Planning with It Feat. Latonia Grant

Third grade teacher and HMH Teacher Ambassador Latonia Grant discusses how data has been a valuable tool in her planning and instruction. Plus she shares data-driven planning tips, like how to lead data talks with students and how to collaboratively plan with peers.

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The 4-Day School Week with Dr. Claudia Singkornrat

Broward County Public Schools Teacher of the Year Dr. Claudia Singkornrat gives insight on her school’s 4-day schedule and how it impacts student learning.

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Partnering with Families to Build Early Literacy Skills with Melissa Hawkins 

Kindergarten teacher Melissa Hawkins joins us from Hawai'i to discuss student engagement, literacy instruction, and connecting with families.

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Promoting a Positive Math Identity with Melody Jacklin in MI

Middle school math intervention teacher Melody Jacklin shares strategies on creating relevant and meaningful math lessons, incorporating STEM challenges in math instruction, and getting students comfortable with productive struggle.

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Teachers in America: Seasons 1–5

When we set out to record the Teachers in America series, we wanted to give teachers a platform to tell their story. Throughout the years, we've had the opportunity to interview teacher influencers, authors, and Teacher of the Year winners. We've covered important trends and topics in education, including:

  • Building student relationships
  • Writing lessons for young learners
  • Virtual learning
  • Equity and diversity
  • Classroom communities
  • Bullying
  • Teacher burnout
  • Classroom management
  • The school-to-prison pipeline
  • Social and emotional learning

Check out our full episode catalogue below!

Teachers in America Season 5

Teachers in America Season 4

Teachers in America Season 3
Teachers in America Season 2
Teachers in America Season 1

Understanding how educators teach today and hearing about the important strides they are making in the classroom give us a glimpse into the worlds of our K–12 learners through the eyes of the people who encourage them to be the best they can be.

We are always looking for more teacher guests, so if you or someone you know would be good on the podcast, please email us at shaped@hmhco.com. We can't wait to meet you!


Subscribe now to Teachers in America on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.