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Whitney aragaki

Whitney Aragaki

Shaped Contributor

Whitney Aragaki is the 2022 Hawai’i State Teacher of the Year, and has been named one of the four finalists for the 2022 National Teacher of the Year. She teaches biology and environmental science at Waiākea High School in Hilo, Hawaii. She is a National Board Certified teacher and a state finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. In 2018, Whitney helped form the program Science Buddies, which empowers AP students to create hands-on environmental lessons and activities for elementary students. She also passes her expertise on to others by mentoring with the Warrior Professional Learning Community, a group she assembled to assist new teachers with their professional development. Whitney takes full advantage of her environment for her place-based pedagogy, and supports learning that honors place, people, and cultures.

Fun Team Building Activities for Teachers and Staff HERO

Teachers in America podcast guest, Whitney Aragaki, shares her favorite fun team-building activities for teachers and staff!

Whitney Aragaki
Shaped Contributor