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Venola Mason WF1647850

Venola Mason

Associate Partner, ICLE and Author, Instructional Excellence, Social and Emotional Learning

In her role as an ICLE associate partner, Venola works with education leaders across the country supporting them with making transformational change in their school districts by developing and implementing policies and practices that increase student achievement and wellness.

Her passion is ensuring that all students have access to a high-quality education and she assists schools and districts with principles of Leadership Development, Rigor Relevance, and Relationships, Blended Learning, Equity, and Social Emotional Learning.

Venola’s career in education began as a teacher with Atlanta Public Schools. As a classroom teacher she saw, and was inspired by, the levels of achievement students were capable of when she challenged and encouraged them. She led these students to consistently make 1-3 years of academic growth across all content areas. In addition, at the New Teacher Project in Atlanta, she managed a professional development program for K-12 teachers and supported the launch of Georgia’s alternative teacher certification program. She then went on to create the Teacher Leadership Development Program, an alternative certification program for Teach For America corps members.

Venola has recently published Teach Up! Empowering Teachers through Relationships, Rigor, and Relevance and maintains her teacher and administrator credentials in the state of Georgia.

SEL for Teachers hero

Social emotional learning for teachers in a time of burnout. Explore ways teachers can empower themselves to create better conditions in the classroom.

Venola Mason
Associate Partner, ICLE and Author, Instructional Excellence, Social and Emotional Learning