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Tera Gall

Instruction and Leadership Coach

Tera Gall is an Instruction and Leadership Coach at the Center for Model Schools. She partners with educators to deepen their practice and advance student learning. Her passion lies in transforming evidence-based strategies into practical, engaging, collaborative classroom instruction and professional learning. From her years as a teacher and coach in a high-needs school to building curriculum with K-12 teachers across the country, Tera works alongside teachers to focus their lessons, choose the most impactful instructional strategies, and use data and insight to meet student needs. Additionally, she coaches principals and district leaders in strengthening teachers’ potential through meaningful feedback, support, and professional learning. You can find her on Twitter @tera_gall or LinkedIn @teragall.

WF1791665 Shaped 2023 Blog Post Types of Instructional Coaching Models hero

Explore the two primary models of instructional coaching–educational and teaching–and get practical insight for implementation in your school or district.

Tera Gall
Instruction and Leadership Coach