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Rykken Bio

Paul ST Rykken

Lecturer, First Nations Studies Department, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Paul ST Rykken, MA, is a lecturer with the First Nations Studies Department at UW-Green Bay and teaches virtually as part of the university’s Dual Credit Academy. A graduate of Concordia College (Moorhead, Minnesota), he retired in 2020 after 41 years of teaching high school in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. He has coordinated the Falls History Project for 20 years and contributes to Wisconsin First Nations, a website devoted to American Indian Studies in Wisconsin.

Infusing multiple narratives in history classrooms native american studies hero

How do we reframe our pedagogy to incorporate multiple narratives within our classrooms? We can start with three building blocks: reading, content integration, and scaffolding of information.

David J. O’Connor
American Indian Studies Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Paul ST Rykken
Lecturer, First Nations Studies Department, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay