Di Spezio Michael Print

Michael DiSpezio

Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Michael DiSpezio has authored many HMH instructional programs for science and mathematics. He has also authored numerous trade books and multimedia programs and hosted dozens of studio and location broadcasts for organizations in the United States and worldwide. Most recently, he has been working with educators to provide strategies for implementing the Next Generation Science Standards, particularly the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts, and the use of evidence notebooks. To all his projects, he brings his extensive background in science; his expertise in classroom teaching at the elementary, middle, and high school levels; and his deep experience in producing interactive and engaging instructional materials.

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Download these spread of infectious disease lab activities for students in Grades K-8 to teach them how to prevent the transfer of germs and infectious diseases.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Teaching metacognition in the classroom

By focusing on metacognition in the classroom, students can continually monitor their learning. Teaching metacognition also allows students to apply their most effective learning strategy to the task at hand.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Teaching ngss phenomena in the science classroom

Using science phenomena can jumpstart instruction by helping students realize the real-world context of the topic to be studied. Start with this NGSS phenomena example.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Challenges STEM

Examining these challenges is essential to establish a pragmatic foundation upon which a STEM program can be constructed.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

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Whenever possible, examples should be profiled from students' immediate or regional surroundings.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

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International educators should explain to students how science, technology, engineering, and math are intertwined.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

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Students use evidence notebooks to record observations and predictions, make sketches, and note questions that they have.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

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Rather than adhering to explicit steps during labs, students are now involved in more active learning experiences.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs


Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Travelling beyond the Classroom Walls with Virtual Reality thumb

Author and science educator Michael DiSpezio gives us a glimpse into the instructional possibilities of leading virtual field trips using simple VR technology.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

HMH Field Trips Google Expeditions 472

HMH science curriculum author Michael DiSpezio discusses Google’s virtual reality experience and how it can be incorporated into the classroom.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Teacher showing students a science concept 472

Former teacher and current HMH program author Michael DiSpezio explains how a “sage on a stage” teaching the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) can inspire student enthusiasm and engagement in the classroom.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Student engineers 472

HMH science curriculum author Michael DiSpezio explains what problem-based learning is and why educators should incorporate it into their lesson plans.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

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HMH science curriculum author, Michael DiSpezio, explains how and why engineering is incorporated into the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

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HMH Program Author Michael DiSpezio explains the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how they help guide effective science instruction.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs