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Marty Hougen

Dr. Martha C. Hougen

National Consultant, Presenter, Researcher, and Author

A national consultant, presenter, researcher, and author, Dr. Martha Hougen’s areas of expertise include differentiating instruction for students with learning difficulties and teacher and leader preparation improvement. Dr. Hougen received a BS in Education from University of Wisconsin at Madison, an MEd from American University, and a PhD in Educational Administration from University of Texas at Austin and has taught at the middle school through graduate levels. Recently her focus has been on enhancing teacher and leader preparation to better meet the needs of all students.

In addition to peer-reviewed articles, curricular documents, and presentations, Dr. Hougen is an advisor for Collections and has published two college textbooks: The Fundamentals of Literacy Assessment and Instruction Pre-K–6 and The Fundamentals of Literacy Assessment and Instruction 6–12.

WF1880715 Shaped 2024 Blog Post Science of Reading Small Group Reading Instruction Hero

This article shares ideas on how to integrate the science of reading and evidenced-based instructional techniques in small-group reading instruction.

Dr. Martha C. Hougen
National Consultant, Presenter, Researcher, and Author

Dr. Heather Haynes Smith
Associate Professor in the Department of Education, Trinity University