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Liz Lee Heinecke

STEAM Author; The Kitchen Pantry Scientist

Liz Heinecke has loved science since she was old enough to inspect her first caterpillar. After working in molecular biology research for ten years, she left the lab to kick off a new chapter in her life as a stay-at-home mom. Soon she found herself sharing her love of science with her three kids and journaling their experiments and adventures on In addition to running her website, Liz regularly demonstrates science on television and writes books. Her list of publications includes: Kitchen Science Lab for Kids, Outdoor Science Lab for Kids, STEAM Lab for Kids, Star Wars Maker Lab, and Kitchen Science Lab for Kids: Edible Edition. When she’s not writing or doing science outreach, you’ll find Liz at home in Minnesota, singing, playing banjo, painting, running, and doing almost anything else to avoid housework.