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Kyra Donovan 1 WEB

Kyra Donovan

Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

Kyra Donovan is associate partner for The Center for Model Schools. With 30 years of experience in public education as teacher, principal, and central office administrator, Kyra brings a practitioner’s point of view to teaching and learning, with a relentless belief that ALL students will achieve success.

She has co-authored Rigorous Curriculum Design Second Edition (2019) with Larry Ainsworth. And she also contributed a chapter to the book, Getting Started with Rigorous Curriculum Design: How School Districts Are Successfully Redesigning Their Curricula for the Common Core (2013).

Kyra was awarded the Oregon Central Office Administrators “Achievement of Excellence” award in June 2016 for her commitment to excellence in education and her leadership in McMinnville School District.

Kyra holds a Master of Education degree in both literacy and educational administration.

School Principals Coaching and Mentoring Hero

The journey to strong instructional leadership is personal, and school-leader coaching provides support as principals learn to lead.

Kyra Donovan
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

What Is an Instructional Coach in Education Hero

What is an instructional coach in education? Learn more about how coaches support teachers in their pursuit of student learning.

Kyra Donovan
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

Interview Questions for Hiring an Instructional Coach Hero

Get instructional coach interview questions, plus additional expert tips on what it takes to best support teachers.

Kyra Donovan
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools