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Kristen Eannetta

Instructional Coach

Kristen Eannetta started her career in 2012, teaching middle- and high-school students in an urban school district in North New Jersey. After completing her master's degree in educational administration in 2017, Kristen moved into a leadership role as an instructional coach. Currently, she works in an elementary school where she coaches students, teachers, and the school community to drive change and improve student learning.

Connect with Kristen on LinkedIn and Instagram @Mrs_Eannetta.

Teaching Writing to Elementary Students Hero

An instructional coach shares tips on how to teach writing to elementary students without the fear that teachers can feel when faced with such a huge undertaking.

Kristen Eannetta
Instructional Coach

High school writing hero

Ensure students get the practice, feedback, and revision experience they need for success with these tried-and-true strategies for teaching high school writing.

Kristen Eannetta
Instructional Coach

Middle School Icebreakers

Check out our first-day-of-school icebreaker activities for middle school students. Using icebreakers will help ease everyone back into the school routine.

Kristen Eannetta
Instructional Coach