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Karen ostlund headshot

Dr. Karen Ostlund

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Emerita, UTeach, College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Karen L. Ostlund was the director of the UTeach Dell Center for New Teacher Success in the UTeach program, which began as an innovative way to recruit undergraduate STEM majors and prepare them to be classroom teachers. She also taught hands-on science, a series of four science content courses for pre-service elementary teachers. This curriculum incorporated working collaboratively to acquire data reliably and to critique team members’ ideas to develop the most accurate explanation for the phenomena investigated. She is a past president of the National Science Teaching Association and the Council of Elementary Science International. She has authored numerous science textbook series, books, scholarly articles, and activities. Her key writing contributions for HMH Into Science Texas were lessons in physical sciences and life sciences.

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Get advice on how to incorporate vocabulary into science instruction to ensure students learn science concepts deeply.

Dr. Karen Ostlund
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Emerita, UTeach, College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin