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Joshua Starr WF1647850

Dr. Joshua P. Starr

Managing Partner, The Center for Model Schools and Author, Equity-Based Leadership

Dr. Joshua P. Starr believes all students should have the ability to learn at high levels in safe, supportive, and equitable schools. As managing partner of The Center for Model Schools, he wants it to continue to be a source of strength and learning for teachers and school and system leaders as they advance equity and excellence agendas in their schools and districts.

Before joining The Center, Josh served as CEO of PDK International, one of the oldest professional membership organizations for educators, helping members deepen their expertise, advance their careers, and experience better results in education research, classrooms, and schools. During his time there, he led the expansion and implementation of Educators Rising, a national program that inspires high school students to become educators.

Prior to joining PDK, Josh was superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland for four years, and previously superintendent of Stamford, Connecticut schools for six years. As a superintendent, Josh led system-wide transformation efforts grounded in equity, excellence, and engagement.

Josh began his career teaching special education in Brooklyn, New York. He became a central-office leader in school districts in the New York metropolitan area, including the New York City Department of Education.

Josh has a bachelor’s degree in English and history from the University of Wisconsin, a master’s degree in special education from Brooklyn College, and a doctorate in education from Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Josh and his wife have three children who attended public schools.

WF1799150 Shaped 2023 Blog Post What is a Model School Update hero

What is a model school? Learn the definition and features of a model school according to The Center for Model Schools.

Dr. Joshua P. Starr
Managing Partner, The Center for Model Schools and Author, Equity-Based Leadership

Rigor Relevance resize

Center for Model Schools Managing Partner Dr. Joshua P. Starr describes how the rigor and relevance framework engages students in deeper learning.

Dr. Joshua P. Starr
Managing Partner, The Center for Model Schools and Author, Equity-Based Leadership