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Eric Sheninger

Eric Sheninger

Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author

Eric Sheninger works with schools throughout the world, helping educators meet and exceed their potential to improve outcomes for learners. He is the founder and CEO of Aspire Change EDU, a collaborative consultancy designed to provide personalized support to all educational systems. Prior to this, he was a teacher and the award-winning Principal at New Milford High School.

Through his work with thousands of schools, Eric has emerged as an innovative leader, best-selling author, and sought-after speaker. His main focus is using research and evidence-based practices to empower learners and educators. Eric has received numerous awards and acknowledgments for his work. 

Areas of Focus:

Eric’s work focuses on innovative and practical ways educators can transform teaching, learning, and leadership.

  • Leadership (instructional, pedagogical, digital)
  • Personalized Learning
  • Digital Pedagogy
  • Tier 1 Instruction
  • Transformational Change
  • Public Relations
  • Innovation
  • Efficacy-Based Practices



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Eric Sheninger’s 7 Pillars of Digital Leadership offers a strong foundation for leaders to embrace the use of technology in their leadership and schools.

Eric Sheninger
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author