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Ellen Ullman

Shaped Contributor

Ellen Ullman has been writing about education and EdTech since 2003. She's a former editor at Scholastic Administrator, District Administration, and Tech & Learning, and was editorial director for eSchool News.

Differentiated math instruction strategies small group hero image

These strategies provide differentiated math instruction to K-12 teachers looking for ways to personalize their mathematics teaching.

Ellen Ullman
Shaped Contributor

Delivering differentiated instruction for gifted students hero

Discover six strategies to deliver differentiated instruction for gifted students.

Ellen Ullman
Shaped Contributor

Differenciated Reading Strategies Hero

Check out the latest differentiated reading strategies to help you meet your students' diverse needs.

Ellen Ullman
Shaped Contributor

Classroom Library Organization Tips Hero

Get students excited about reading by organizing your classroom library with relevant books and updated displays.

Ellen Ullman
Shaped Contributor