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Christine Headshot Copy

Christine Condon

Shaped Editor-in-Chief

As the senior director of content marketing at HMH, Christine Condon engages with authors, thought leaders, researchers, and educators to create content that serves the K-12 community. She has over 20 years of experience in the education sector, and previously held roles at Scholastic and Triumph Learning. Having earned her Bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education at The College of New Jersey, Christine began her career in education as a high school English and journalism teacher. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from The New School in New York City, and her articles have appeared in Huffington Post and Business Insider.

Belonging School Kentwood

See how teachers and curricula work together to create a sense of belonging and academic success in the fourth most diverse district in the nation.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

Brenda Iasevoli
Shaped Executive Editor

Wayne Westland Intervention hero

Hear from educators about a new approach to intervention that’s raising student achievement in the Wayne-Westland Community School District, outside Detroit.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

Brenda Iasevoli
Shaped Executive Editor

WF1768452 Hero Banner

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona shares his 2023 Teacher Appreciation Week message and details the Department of Education's "Raise the Bar: Lead the World" effort.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

Jennifer Corujo
Shaped Editor

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We invite teachers who use an HMH program to discover more about our Advocacy Program—especially if you like sharing your expertise and knowledge of instructional best practices to help other teachers nationwide.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

WF926908 World Kindness Hero Image

Use these SEL World Kindness Day activities and ideas for the International Day for Tolerance to ensure that every day includes a little (or a lot of!) kindness in your school.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

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Velnetta Runyon’s goal is to show students not to be afraid of math. She ensures that her middle schoolers are believed in and are pushed to their fullest potential. In this episode, see how she teaches perseverance from the first day of school.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

WF1631850 Shaped 2022 NTL Blog Post 2022 Program Features Enhancement Hero R1

Find out about HMH's new platform and program enhancements for back-to-school 2022.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

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Teacher and author of "I Wish My Teacher Knew", Kyle Schwartz, discusses how she helps students feel empowered to make a difference.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

Most read shaped blogs of 2021 hero

Before we say goodbye to 2021, let’s highlight our most-read and favorite Shaped blogs.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief