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WF1658600 charlotte thomas marabel

Charlotte R. Thomas-Marable, EdD

Director of Professional Learning, The Center for Model Schools

Dr. Marable has been in education for over 20 years. Prior to joining The Center for Model Schools team, she worked to create a shared vision for excellent instruction within the Shelby County Schools district in Memphis, Tennessee, leveraging strong support plans and strategies to achieve it. She began her education career as an ELA high school teacher with Memphis City Schools before relocating to Jonesboro, Georgia where she continued to use her passion for literacy to teach middle school students. During this time, she helped numerous learners reach academic success, particularly focusing on bridging learning gaps with struggling readers in an urban setting.

She later returned to Memphis, joining the Shelby County Schools district as an instructional coach before transitioning to a manager of professional learning and support. During this time, Dr. Marable supervised the development of personalized professional learning scopes for teachers and leaders at various levels to support the implementation of standards-aligned curriculum materials. She worked to lead a team of instructional advisors and peer assistance and review consulting teachers as they supported teacher development and retention.

Dr. Marable also led a cross-subject team of content developers for ELA, math, and science, developed a New Teacher Induction program inclusive of new teacher and new teacher mentor support, and worked diligently to develop the professional learning scopes to support curriculum implementation plans for the launch of EL Education’s ELA curriculum in Grades K–8, Wonders ELA curriculum in Grades K–5, myPerspectives ELA curriculum in Grades 6–12, and LearnZillion Guidebooks in Grades 9–12. Most recently, she worked with a national vendor to develop professional learning to support implementation of blended learning for more than 200 Shelby County schools.

Dr. Marable holds a BA in English from Philander Smith College, an Master of Education from Christian Brothers University, and an EdS in curriculum and instruction and EdD in instructional leadership from Argosy University. She is a native of Memphis, Tennessee and currently resides there with her three amazing children, Colin, Charli, and Carrigan.