Casey Brown

Shaped Contributor

Casey Brown is a freelance education writer and guest contributor to the former Classcraft blog, which is now part of HMH.


Practice your answers to the most common classroom management interview questions. Explore strategies and tips.

Casey Brown
Shaped Contributor

WF1995913 Shaped 2024 Classcraft blog migration images31

How can technology improve education? Explore 6 ways technology can help improve education for students, parents, and teachers.

Casey Brown
Shaped Contributor

18 Fun Ways to Teach Policies and Procedures Context

Explore 18 fun ways to teach classroom rules and procedures that will increase classroom engagement and foster a positive learning environment.

Casey Brown
Shaped Contributor

Explore 22 PBIS rewards ideas for individual students, classrooms, and school-wide incentives. Find success in teaching students positive classroom behaviors.

Casey Brown
Shaped Contributor