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Sneider Cary Print

Dr. Cary Sneider

NGSS Writing Team Leader, Associate Research Professor at Portland State University

Dr. Cary Sneider is a visiting scholar at Portland State University. He also serves as a consultant for two charitable foundations that support the implementation of the NGSS in public schools: the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, and outside of school time, STEM Next. He currently serves on the National Assessment Governing Board, which sets policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress—also known as “The Nation’s Report Card”—as well as an advisor for several National Science Foundation-funded projects. Dr. Sneider was the lead consultant on engineering to the National Research Council committee that developed “A Framework for K–12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas,” and served in a similar role on the writing team for the NGSS.

WF1635200 Shaped 2022 Blog Post Why Integrate Engineering as a Key Part of Science

Explore the differences of science vs. engineering and how to ensure that K-12 science students receive an engineering education.

Dr. Cary Sneider
NGSS Writing Team Leader, Associate Research Professor at Portland State University

Social emotional learning using collaboration in science hero

Productive discourse lends itself well to building a community where social and emotional learning in science is supported.

Dr. Cary Sneider
NGSS Writing Team Leader, Associate Research Professor at Portland State University