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Shaped Headshot Bmamphey

Brittany Mamphey, M.Ed.

Dean of Students, Mt. Healthy South Elementary School, Ohio

Brittany Mamphey is a Dean of Students at South Elementary School in the Mt. Healthy City Schools District in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously she taught fourth- and fifth-grade reading, language arts, and social studies. Brittany is a 2012 graduate of Bowling Green State University and completed her first master’s degree at Miami University (Oxford) in 2016 with a focus on transformative urban education and curriculum development. She earned her second master’s degree at the University of Cincinnati in educational leadership in 2019. She is passionate about social justice and character education and was a panelist at the SXSW EDU conference in Austin, Texas, in 2019. As of 2020, she is a member of her local school board.

August Classroom Management Final 2

Find tips on setting classroom expectations for students. Use these classroom management strategies to ensure that each day runs smoothly.

Brittany Mamphey, M.Ed.
Dean of Students, Mt. Healthy South Elementary School, Ohio