
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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News Roundup 1  Glass

Stay up to date on the education issues that matter to you.

Julia Roch

Graphs Edited

Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Dr. Thomas O’Brien
Professor, Graduate School of Education at SUNY Binghamton

Math 180 Edited Hero

Tameka Mullins
Content Marketing Manager, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Dustin Bindreiff, Ed.D.
Special Education Coordinator, Nevada County Superintendent of Schools; Former Consultant for Mindset Works

How A Change In Mindset Brought Exceptional Student Results Hero

Kourtney Ferrua
Principal of Wascher Elementary School

Efficient Eye Tracking Hero

Dr. Alexandra Talaber

Dr. Danielle Leong

Answering Important Questions 3 16 Hero

Francie Alexander
Senior Vice President, Efficacy & Consulting Research

Hmh Prof Serv 2017 0222

Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

April Mindset 2

Emily Diehl
Education Consultant

Our fall Literacy Leadership Talks featured insightful takeaways from thought leaders Kate Kinsella, Shane Templeton, David and Yvonne Freeman, David Dockterman, and Sheila Valencia. Read them here, and access the recorded webinars.

Shaped Staff

Join Us At Ncss For Student Engagement Thumb

Conferences are a great way to meet thought leaders in your content area and experience new solutions firsthand. HMH will be hosting two popular authors at NCSS, along with Channel One reporter Azia Celestino. Find out what else we have in store.

Shaped Staff

Formative Assessment Thumb

Thought leader Sheila Valencia continues our popular Lead the Way to Literacy series with some insight on formative assessment. Can it help close the achievement gap? Find out here.

Dr. Sheila W. Valencia
Professor, Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Washington; Journeys Program Consultant

With Essa More Equitable Assessment Brings Hope For Parity Thumb

Wondering about ESSA’s effect on assessments? Dr. Malbert Smith weighs in on three areas where he sees hope for improvement.

Dr. Malbert Smith
CEO, President, and Co-Founder of MetaMetrics

Claims Evidence Reasoning What Youre Already Doing In Science Class Thumb

New education standards can bring new language to describe teaching strategies that are already in place. Here, author Marjorie Frank illustrates the Claims-Evidence-Reasoning language of NGSS with some everyday examples.

Marjorie Frank
Author, ELD Specialist

Use Reading Data To Encourage Students Independent Reading Thumb

As you assess students’ reading levels at the start of the school year, here are some strategies for supporting students in taking risks, expanding their reading choices, building skills—and becoming engaged independent readers.

Shaped Staff

Do All Reading Comprehension Tests Assess Equally Thumb

Dr. Laurie Cutting, a leading expert in cognitive neuroscience, explains the importance of using a multiple assessment formats to get a complete picture of a student’s reading comprehension level.

Dr. Laurie E. Cutting
Professor, Vanderbilt University

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.