Classroom Management

Why Is It Important to Have a Classroom Reward System?

6 Min Read
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Using rewards as a part of classroom management isn’t mandatory, but there are reasons to give it a try. For one, motivating young students can be difficult, so anything we can do to engage them is worth a try. Let's first look at some advantages of having a classroom reward system. Then, we’ll see how you can design your own system and avoid the pitfalls. Let’s get to it!

Advantages of using rewards in the classroom

Whether we like it or not, humans need motivation. As we mature, most of us become intrinsically motivated. This means that we can motivate ourselves based on an internal desire to do something, such as reading because you genuinely enjoy it and not just because you’re told to. This is a tough concept for kids and even some adults. So you can see why there would be advantages to using rewards in the classroom to motivate students in the short term, with the goal of eventually phasing the system out as students learn to find satisfaction in their achievements.

When should you consider implementing a classroom reward system for students?

Consider implementing a reward system for students if you’re struggling with any of the following classroom challenges:

  • Failing grades
  • Incomplete assignments or homework
  • Low student motivation and interest
  • Chronic behavior problems
  • Refusal to do work
  • Poor attention and focus
  • Students not getting along with one another

Implementing a reward system on the first day of school can help you and your class start the school year right. Although it’s not a magic potion, a reward system in the classroom can alleviate the challenges listed above. A few advantages of a whole-class reward system include:

Better grades

Classroom reward systems can increase student motivation to complete assignments and participate in class. And, of course, when teachers then reward students for a job well done, students are more likely to repeat the behavior. All of this can lead to better academic performance.

Better behavior

Up there in importance with grades, better behavior is one of the results that most teachers desire from a student reward system. PBIS and other reward-based motivational systems prove that unwanted behavior can be curbed by putting such a method in place. Study after study has shown that punishment does not effectively curb undesirable behaviors. This makes it especially important for teachers to find alternatives for encouraging positive behavior.

Helping students with special needs

Another great thing about a class reward system is that it can benefit students with special needs. For example, students with autism often benefit from set guidelines that let them know exactly what to expect in the classroom. Children with ADHD who have trouble staying in their seats or completing assignments benefit from being rewarded for things that they do well.

Happier students (and parents and caregivers)

Kids who are constantly nagged, fussed at, and punished do not enjoy coming to school. Their parents will also begin to dread sending them, as they’ll receive more negative phone calls and notes about bad grades and behavior. Of course, a reward system won’t get rid of all classroom problems, but it can reduce the number of referrals, conferences, and phone calls significantly.

Setting up a classroom reward system

There are many classroom reward system ideas and strategies. In this article, we’ll cover the best of the best along with some tips and suggestions. But, as with all teaching, trial and error is the best tool.

Choose your classroom point system

You’ll want to start by choosing a classroom point system that you can personalize for your own classroom.

Here are some basic options:

  • Token-based systems: Individual goals are set ahead of time and students earn tangible rewards like stickers, points, or classroom dollars for meeting these goals.
  • Table points: Each table or group earns points collectively while competing against other groups.
  • Class points: The whole class earns points together.

Many teachers use a mix of the three, offering individual, group, and whole-class rewards so that all students can be successful.

Set goals

What do you want your students to achieve? What behaviors do you want them to repeat? Make a chart and display it for students. You’ll want to be clear and positive. For example, instead of saying “No talking in class,” write, “Quiet and focused during lesson time.” Remember that too many rules can confuse and overwhelm students. Stick to the important behaviors and attitudes that you want to reinforce.

Decide on rewards

This is the part that many teachers overdo. If rewarding students becomes too tiresome or a chore, you’ll be tempted to abandon ship, and that’ll make things even worse. So keep your student reward system as simple as possible. Some free (or cheap) rewards you can use include:

  • A trip to the treasure box (e.g., pencils, stickers, candy, tattoos, or other small prizes)
  • Reward cards (e.g., computer time, lunch with the teacher, swap seats with a friend)
  • Class ‘bucks’ that can be saved to buy a prize from a classroom store

The second option, using reward cards, is my favorite because they’re free. And, as a mom and teacher, I rarely have extra money to restock a classroom store. You can buy premade reward card templates online, but I made my own several years ago.

Classroom reward system ideas

Some of my students’ favorite passes over the years include:

  • No homework
  • 15 minutes of computer time
  • Bring a snack to class
  • Lunch with the teacher
  • Help teach the class
  • Show and tell (bring a toy to class)
  • Swap seats with a friend
  • Take home a class game
  • Sit at the teacher’s desk

Final thoughts to consider

Be clear with students. They need to know exactly how the reward system works for it to be effective. Give the rewards liberally. Especially in the beginning, you’ll want to give out lots of rewards at random when you catch their ‘good behavior.’

Give feedback with rewards. I know it’s time consuming, but taking a minute to talk with each student about what they did well and what they can improve is part of what makes a classroom reward system work well.

Ask for their opinions. What rewards do they like? Which ones do they find pointless? Keep your system fresh by incorporating their ideas.

Reduce gradually. You can raise the percentage needed over time or make earning rewards more difficult if you want to slowly phase out rewards. Just make sure you communicate these changes.

What works for one teacher may be a total flop for another. The key to any great classroom reward system is that you make it your own. Try things, find what works for you, and share with others. Your students will thank you for it.

This article was adapted from a blog post initially developed by the education technology company Classcraft, which was acquired by HMH in 2023. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.


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