The pros and cons of electronics in school
Whether you are a fan of tablets and smartphones or not, the use of electronic devices in schools is no longer a fad. Students’ smartphone use is on the rise. However, the arguments for why electronics should be allowed in school are quite strong. In this blog post, we will take a look at both the advantages and disadvantages of electronic devices in school.
Before we delve in, it’s important to acknowledge that some students might not own their own digital devices or even use private WiFi at home. Read this article to learn more about how schools and communities can ensure digital access for all students.
Pros of using technology in schools
1. Preparing for the future
When they get to high school and college, there’s a chance that students will use electronic devices in nearly every single class—for lectures, discussions, assignments, and even proctored exams. Tech literacy is an essential skill, and what better way to teach it than through students’ own devices? Using their devices in school not only prepares them for the future but also trains them to exercise self-control.
For certain high school classes, technology can help support professional networking and job preparation. It’s important for students to acquire these skills early on so they’re prepared for the future when technology will undoubtedly play an even bigger role in their lives.
2. Your school gets to use the latest technology
If a school can keep itself abreast of the latest education technologies, it’s better equipped to impart quality instruction to students. But that costs a lot of money in terms of device acquisition and maintenance. When students bring their own devices to school, everyone gets access to the latest tools without much of an investment. The funds saved can help other important resources, like the school lunch program or activities.
3. Enhance knowledge
Most school projects and homework require students to do their own research online. Let’s face it: Students of all ages spend hours online, and not just playing games. With the world at their fingertips, students have access to many new ideas and valuable information that would’ve required visiting the library years ago.
Nowadays, if students are unfamiliar with something, they search for it online. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as students remember what they read as opposed to merely using technology as a substitute for their own thinking. Allowing students to use their devices in class can enhance the learning process. For example, if the instructor casually references something while teaching, students can quickly look up that information on their own. When students conduct independent research, they’re more likely to remember things than if they simply take notes on what they’re told.
Cons of using technology in schools
Even with all the benefits of using electronics in school, as with all things, there are drawbacks. Yet, when used in moderation and under the supervision of instructors, electronic devices can help facilitate rather than impede the learning process.
1. Excessive use can cause bad posture and health problems
One argument against the (excessive) use of electronics in the classroom is that it can cause various health problems. For example, it tires students, causes sleep problems due to blue light, and poses health risks like blurry vision and stiff muscles in the neck and back.
The solution
Parents and teachers need to help students understand the consequences of uninterrupted periods of screen time. Students should be shown how to use their smartphones or tablets correctly. For example, students should:
- Keep their back straight while using the device. This means they should hold the device close to eye level (and not too close to their face) so they don’t strain their back and neck by looking down.
- Avoid bending over the screen for longer than 20 minutes at a stretch.
- Prevent eye strain by looking at an object 20 feet away and blinking 20 times every 20 minutes (known as the 20-20-20 rule).
2. Exposure to cyberbullying and inappropriate content
With all its promise and the potential to supercharge students’ education, there are some issues to watch for through their devices. When browsing online, students may experience cyberbullying or access content that is not appropriate, especially on social media sites.
The solution
If your school has a network, they can block students from visiting certain websites. But of course, the best strategy is always education. Students need to learn how the internet works and how to use it safely and responsibly.
Consider giving your students the following advice:
- Never share your personal details (name, birth date, address, city, etc.) with anyone you don’t know or trust, especially strangers.
- Don’t make friends with someone you don’t know offline.
- Don’t visit a site that your guardians or instructors haven’t approved.
- If you encounter content that makes you uncomfortable, log off and tell your parents or teachers so they can help you.
- On social media sites, consider making profiles “private,” using strong passwords to protect your accounts, vetting connections and followers, and not clicking any suspicious links.
The use of electronic devices in schools equips students for the future
After weighing the pros and cons of electronics in school, they absolutely have their place! Devices make students more knowledgeable and better equip them for a successful future. Just because improper device use has potential risks does not mean that students should be entirely deprived of them. Besides, as they grow older, students are bound to use tech out of necessity. So why not train them to use it correctly from a young age?
This article was adapted from a blog post initially developed by the education technology company Classcraft, which was acquired by HMH in 2023. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.
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