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Activities & Lessons

Grades 9–12 ELA Activity Set 10: Write Two-Sentence Stories and More

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Sharpen your writing, language, critical thinking, and reading skills with these instructional resources.

Resource 1: You're My Inspiration

Have you ever wondered where great authors get the ideas for their stories? Would it surprise you to learn that some of the most creative, entertaining, and artfully crafted literature in history has been inspired by everyday, ordinary objects and events? Inspiration is everywhere! Read about some examples, and then discover your own inspiration for a story.

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Resource 2: Write Two-Sentence Stories

Two-sentence stories have become very popular lately. There is even a TV show based on this type of story. A two-sentence story is just what it sounds like—a short story that consists of only two sentences. These bite-sized narratives usually come with a twist in the second sentence. Explore some examples, and then write your own two-sentence story.

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