
Grades 6–8 Math Activity Set 3: Financial Literacy

1 Min Read

Ask people how math applies to the real world, and there is one answer you’ll hear more than anything else: money. Whether saving for a $10 toy to managing a $10 million corporate budget, money is an unavoidable example of math showing up across practically every college major and career path imaginable.

The activities here are about students using math to help plan for their futures. They have students planning and analyzing budgets and calculating net worth.

Materials needed

  • One student sheet per student. All sheets are linked below.
  • Answer sheet for the teacher, which provides solutions for all problems in the student sheets.

Each activity is intended to be a lesson that can be completed in a day. All of the activities combined could make up one week’s worth of lesson plans. The student sheets can be provided digitally, printed and completed by the student, or used as a reference while students write their answers on a blank sheet of paper.

Prerequisite activity: Are You Ready?

Review skills involving decimals, whole number operations, and percents.

Activity 1: Personal Budgets

Identify components of a personal budget, such as income and expenses, and analyze a variety of sample budgets.

Activity 2: Planning a Budget

Explore and analyze a variety of budgets that include common expenses like taxes and insurance.

Activity 3: Constructing a Net Worth Statement

Calculate net worth by identifying financial assets and liabilities.


View more math teaching resources for middle school here. Or check out our free learning activities for all grades and subjects.

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