Grades 6–8 ELA Activity Set 4: Explore Haiku and More


Sharpen your writing, language, critical thinking, and reading skills with these instructional resources.

Resource 1: Explore Haiku

Haiku is a short poetic form that originated in Japan. Traditionally, it often focuses on one or two images that capture a mood or moment in a season, but it can cover any topic. Learn more about the form, and then create your own haiku.

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Resource 2: Analyze Theme

Part of the fun of reading literature is exploring its themes—lessons about life and human nature to which we can all relate. Identifying and analyzing themes can be challenging. With the right strategies, though, you can get the hang of it. In this activity, you'll read the fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes" and analyze the themes the writer communicates.

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Resource 3: Oh Snap! Create a Character's Social Media Profile

Consider how much people learn about you—your likes and dislikes, hobbies, and friends—by reading your social media profile. In this activity, you will help other readers learn about a character from literature by creating that character's social media profile. Bring your character to life through photos, hashtags, handles, and more.

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