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Grades 3–5 Science Activities: Conservation

2 Min Read
3 5 Science conservation hero 190e150fde80893345e887107b8c65d7

A brief definition of conservation is the care and protection of Earth’s resources, including air, minerals, plants, soil, water, and wildlife, so they can last for future generations. However, the concept of conservation is complex. That’s why we’ve provided a variety of learning activities to help students learn more about the topic as a starting point.

Explore conservation with labs and activities

Catch that dirt

Work with students to evaluate the air quality in four different places around the neighborhood or school. This activity takes approximately 60 minutes, depending on the locations you choose to test.

How can it cross the road?

Individual students can design and model a solution to help caribou migrate after an environmental change caused by human activities alters the animals’ old migration route. This activity takes approximately 45 minutes, depending on the complexity of the model.

Read about environmental conservation

Is this biodegradable?

Think of the items that you use. Which of those items are biodegradable?

The journey home: Reintroducing endangered species

Read about how scientists are finding ways to help threatened or endangered species.

Recycle, reuse

What are the benefits of recycling and reusing items like plastic bottles and aluminum cans? Read to find out!


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