Looking for ways to help your students understand concepts? Graphic organizers are the perfect tool to help structure thoughts and communicate new ideas. They can be used to structure writing projects and help in problem solving, decision making, studying, planning research, and brainstorming. Graphic organizers come in all shapes and sizes, which is why we have collected some of the most popular and effective templates for you to download for free.
Printable graphic organizers
Select a blank graphic organizer from the following categories depending on your curriculum needs.
Sequence of events
Main topic and key details
- Spider map
- Garden gate
- Describing wheel
- Cluster/word web 1
- Cluster/word web 2
- Cluster/word web 3
- Idea rake
- Ladder
- E-chart
- Ticktacktoe
- Four-column chart
- Clock
- Sandwich
- T-chart
- Inverted triangle
- Tree chart
- Persuasion map
- Ice cream cone
Story planning
Essay planning
Other graphic organizers
- Sense chart
- Problem-solution chart
- ISP chart (information, sources, page)
- Fact and opinion
- Five W's chart
- Goal-reasons web
- Idea wheel
- KWL chart
- KWS chart
- Observation chart
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This blog, originally published in 2021, has been updated for 2025.
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