
34 Mother’s Day Writing Prompts

4 Min Read
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This blog, originally published in 2019, has been updated for 2025.

For over a century, Mother’s Day has been used to celebrate the hard work of moms across the country. For an elementary classroom spin on the holiday, have your students try out some Mother’s Day writing prompts. Although celebrations may vary, the one thing that stays consistent is our appreciation for our mothers. 

To highlight the hard work of moms this year, start off with a discussion on how the students’ mothers or mother-figures helped them with schoolwork, entertainment, or caregiving. Make sure to take into account any blended families in the classroom, or students that may rely on parental figures other than mothers. The Mother’s Day writing prompts below contain a variety of different options to get students into the writing mood, including several options for students being raised by someone other than a mother.

Mother’s Day writing prompts

1. How does your family usually celebrate Mother’s Day? What are some other ways you could celebrate?

2. What is the hardest part about being a mom? What is the best part?

3. It’s Mother’s Day and you’ve been tasked with creating the perfect card. What does your card say? What picture did you draw on the cover?

4. Pick a historical figure and write a journal entry from the point of view of their mom.

5. What is your favorite thing to do with your mom? Is there a place that you like to go with her, or a hobby that you like to do together?

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6. Grandmothers are moms too! Describe a memory you have with your grandmother.

7. If you were to style your mom’s hair, what would it look like? Describe the length, color, and accessories.

8. Does your mom cook or bake? What is your favorite recipe of hers? Describe it.

9. Invent a flower and name it after your mom. What does it look like?

10. If you were to switch places with your mom for a day, what would your day look like?

11. Mother’s Day became an official U.S. holiday after a woman named Anna Jarvis wrote letters to politicians and newspapers about it. How would you have convinced the president to make Mother’s Day an official holiday?

12. Invent a device to make your mom’s day easier. What would your machine do and how would it help?

13. Write a short story about a mommy dog and her puppies.

14. Create a Mother’s Day schedule for you and your family broken up into these sections: Morning, Noon, and Evening.

15. Write a poem about your mom.

16. Do you have someone in your life that feels like a mom? Describe them and what you love about them.

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17. If your mom was an animal, which animal would she be? Why?

18. Does your mom have a favorite memory with your grandmother (her mom)?

19. You are a famous fashion designer. What outfit would you design especially for your mom? Where would she wear it?

20. What is one important lesson that your mom taught you?

21. If you were creating a garden for your mom, what would you grow and why?

22. How would you describe a Supermom? What powers would she have?

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23. What was your mom’s favorite book when she was your age? Summarize it.

24. Do you and your mom have a favorite game? How do you play, and what are the rules?

25. Describe your mom’s best friend or friends. What do they like to do together?

26. Build your mom a dream house! What rooms are there? Is there a backyard?

27. If you could travel anywhere in the world with your mom, where would you go and what would you see?

28. It’s Mother’s Day morning, and you’re making your mom breakfast in bed. What do you make for her?

29. What is your favorite fictional mom from a book or movie? What traits does she have? Describe them.

30. You’re in the car, and you hear your mom’s voice come on the radio. What is her song about?

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31. If you could make the ultimate ice cream sundae for your mom, what would be in it? What kind of ice cream would you use? Which toppings?

32. What is your mom’s favorite holiday, and what is your favorite holiday tradition to do together?

33. Describe three different moms that you know, fictional or real. How are they different? How are they similar?

34. Do you have a role model you admire (an actor, singer, or sports star)? How do you think their mom encouraged them to reach their goals?


For more Mother's Day activities for the classroom, check out these Mother's Day Celebration Ideas for School. Make sure to join us for Father's Day ideas as well.

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