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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Acquires The Leadership and Learning Center; Company to Continue Transforming Schools by Combining the Best Learning Resources with Premier Professional Development

BOSTON - January 10, 2011 — Global education leader Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's (HMH) Educational Consulting Services group has acquired The Leadership and Learning Center, a world-class professional development research and solutions provider, to expand its core capabilities with experienced professionals and proven practices that provide measurable and sustainable school improvement and student achievement gains.

"By investing in groundbreaking practices and technologies, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has been the trusted name in educational leadership," said Barry O'Callaghan, Chief Executive Officer of HMH. "This breakthrough partnership with The Leadership and Learning Center is a significant investment into revolutionizing how teachers teach and students learn."

The HMH Educational Consulting Services group offers professional development training, comprehensive services and school turnaround solutions under the banner Insight into Action: an Informed Approach to Transforming Education. HMH's partnership with The Leadership and Learning Center offers unique integrated solutions that combine the best learning resources available today with services that support deep implementation. These include learning resources that are supported with effective professional development in classroom assessment, teacher effectiveness and high impact leadership, which are all proven to have a measurable and sustainable impact on student achievement.

"One of HMH Education Group's key strategic imperatives is to extend its value proposition beyond providing world-class curriculum, assessment and technology solutions through consulting services that position HMH as a partner with school districts in a shared goal of increased accountability for improvement" said Mike Lavelle, President, HMH Education Group. "Partnering with The Leadership and Learning Center enables the HMH Educational Consulting Services group to provide deep implementation of professional development services that become part of that shared accountability model."

The Leadership and Learning Center has devoted the last 15 years to building a suite of outstanding services, unique research and successful solutions. The Center's Professional Development Associates comprise experienced superintendants, principals, administrators and educators who address standards, assessment, accountability, data analysis, collaboration, leadership and school improvement with their clients.

"Together, HMH Educational Consulting Services and The Leadership and Learning Center can satisfy school districts' unprecedented demand for critical service and training capabilities," said Dave West, Senior Vice President, HMH Educational Consulting Services. "By aligning our respective strengths, HMH and The Leadership and Learning Center can support school districts as they navigate the unchartered course toward more rigorous academic standards; data and accountability demands, teacher and leader effectiveness measures and student achievement levels relative to international benchmarks."

The Center's founder, education thought leader Dr. Douglas B. Reeves, is the author of more than twenty books on education and an internationally recognized expert in teaching, leadership, and student achievement. Commenting on the partnership with HMH, Reeves said, "The research is clear: improved student achievement depends upon the best combination of teaching, leadership, curriculum, and technology. This new partnership will help educational systems do just that. The time and resources of school systems are under unprecedented pressure right now, and we are going to help schools get the greatest value possible to support student achievement."

Reeves authored the landmark case study for "The 90/90/90 Schools™," which examined the high academic performance of schools where 90 percent or more of the students were eligible for free and reduced lunch, 90 percent or more of the students were members of ethnic minority groups, and 90 percent or more of the students met district or state academic standards in reading or another area. He added that he is committed to continuing his active schedule of travel, speaking, research and writing and will maintain personal connections with the educational systems served by HMH and The Leadership and Learning Center.

About Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is a global education and learning company that is leading the way with innovative solutions and approaches to the challenges facing education today. The world's largest provider of educational products and solutions for pre-K–12 learning, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt develops and delivers interactive, results-driven learning solutions that advance teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Through curricula excellence and technology innovation, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt collaborates with school districts, administrators, teachers, parents and students. Today, HMH education products and services are used by 57 million students throughout all 50 U.S. states and 120 countries. With origins dating back to 1832, the Company also publishes an extensive line of reference works and award-winning literature for adults and young readers. For more information, visit