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HMH’s Math 180 Endorsed by Council of Administrators of Special Education

BOSTON – Learning technology company HMH today announced that Math 180, its intensive math intervention solution, has received an endorsement from the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE). CASE is an international professional organization that provides leadership to advance the field of special education through professional learning, policy and advocacy.

Math 180, known for its proven, research-based intervention that works in core and dedicated intervention classrooms, received the official CASE endorsement after following an extensive review process by its Product Review Committee (PRC). The PRC uses an in-depth rubric to ensure that the solution meets or exceeds criteria that includes the fidelity of the product, professional development support, accessibility, organizational/technical requirements, evidence of the research base, product, and quality of the research along with satisfaction data advocated by CASE.

Students who have been identified as in need of special education services, or older struggling students, are fully supported in Math 180. Individualized data reports allow teachers and parents to continually measure progress against IEP annual goals and benchmarks. The adaptive student software allows students to receive targeted instruction and to move at their own pace, with gradually released scaffolds and a support ecosystem.

A study conducted by independent researchers found that, after using Math 180, students who were designated as having a special education status made significant gains over their peers who used different mathematics intervention programs.

CASE has also endorsed HMH’s intensive reading intervention solution, Read 180.

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