Support Students Who Need More Help with a Text
Visual and text-based summaries support students in grappling with complex texts.
Personalize Learning for Students Who Need Skills Support
If skills are a challenge, a suite of videos, practice questions, and anchor charts help to solidify understanding. Extend and personalize practice with Waggle, an adaptive tool that provides game-like practice in key skills and advances students at their own pace.
Infuse Rigor and Challenge Into Your Lessons
More complex text options, embedded instructional support, and enriching project-based learning activities provide ample opportunities to stretch your students and encourage critical and creative thinking.
Support English Learners
Differentiate instruction for your English learners using visual summaries of texts and skills in Spanish; selection summaries in English, Spanish, Haitian-Creole, and Portuguese; multilingual glossaries of key vocabulary in 10 languages; and embedded instructional support.