Hero Science curriculum WF2169252


Inspire exploration and innovation

Real-world, experiential science programs

Our science programs are created by trusted researchers and educators who know how students learn best.

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Students gain a deeper understanding of scientific concepts as they engage in student-directed and multimodal learning.

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Lessons immerse students in the wonders of their world, encouraging them to think like scientists and helping them build STEM skills.

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Explore our science programs

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HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!, for Grades K–5, deliver student-centered, flexible curriculums that combine hands-on learning with ELA-based science instruction. The equitable Spanish offering was developed using transadaptation.

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HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! ™, for Grades 6–8, provide flexible solutions that streamline the support, strategies, inspiration, and rigorous content educators need to engage students in doing and learning science.

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HMH Science Dimensions for Grades K–12 and HMH Dimensiones de las Ciencias™ K–8 + Biología encourage students to think like scientists as they learn through exploration, analysis, and application. The equitable Spanish offering provides tailored support and accessible science instruction for Spanish-speaking students.

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ScienceSaurus for Grades K–8, builds literacy and science skills through the topics of life, Earth, and physical science; environmental science and natural resources; engineering and technology.

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Core Instruction

HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!, for Grades K–5, deliver student-centered, flexible curriculums that combine hands-on learning with ELA-based science instruction. The equitable Spanish offering was developed using transadaptation.

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HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! ™, for Grades 6–8, provide flexible solutions that streamline the support, strategies, inspiration, and rigorous content educators need to engage students in doing and learning science.

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HMH Science Dimensions for Grades K–12 and HMH Dimensiones de las Ciencias™ K–8 + Biología encourage students to think like scientists as they learn through exploration, analysis, and application. The equitable Spanish offering provides tailored support and accessible science instruction for Spanish-speaking students.

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ScienceSaurus for Grades K–8, builds literacy and science skills through the topics of life, Earth, and physical science; environmental science and natural resources; engineering and technology.

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Build Science Literacy and STEM Skills

  • Hands-On

    Hands-on activities and experiments motivate students, giving them a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.

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  • Interactive

    Encourage student-directed learning through an integrated blend ofprint and multimedia components, including simulations and videos, toenhance understanding of critical scientific concepts.

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  • Support

    Our science curriculum includes robust teacher support for easy implementation, embedded social and emotional learning, online or offline digital resources, and customized professional development.

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Support Every Phase of the Student’s Science Journey

Real-world lessons spark curiosity and lifelong learning. Click on the grade levels below to see how students might explore the concept of sound waves as they progress from kindergarten to Grade 12.

90-Second Science Video Series

As the name suggests, 90-Second Science videos and lesson plans highlight short, simple experiments that educators can do with their students in one class period. Watch the entire 90-Second Science series on our YouTube channel.

Personalized Professional Development

HMH partners with schools and districts to foster a culture of growth through relevant, ongoing professional learning for every educator. Connect with us for guided implementation support for your programs, year-round instructional coaching through HMH’s Coachly™ and courses, and shoulder-to-shoulder partnership for leaders from Center for Model Schools.

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Transform today’s students into tomorrow’s innovators.

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