Hero Assessment WF2169252


Gain a complete picture of student achievement

Actionable Data to Drive Student Success

Assessments are part of a powerful toolkit for measuring and supporting growth in all learners. HMH equips leaders and teachers with actionable assessment data that connect directly with resources to teach, re-teach, and differentiate learning so that all students can reach their full potential.

Measure the Moment

Only HMH offers a full suite of assessments that measures student achievement across whole-class, small-group, and independent practice. Whether assessing students at the beginning of the year or at the end of unit, leaders and teachers get the right data to answer the question, “What’s next?”


Align Performance to Standards

It’s easy to understand students’ progress toward standards mastery with the Standards Report on Ed, HMH’s learning platform. With data from assessments, core programs, and intervention solutions, the Standards Report is a key to unlocking student potential.


Teachers understand that this data is so valuable. The reports are easy for them to look at. They love the Standards Report.

Lyndsey Duke-Brooks

Instructional Coach, Warren County, KY

The Best Assessment Technology

Whether educators prefer teacher-driven interventions or automated differentiation, we have the data and content that empower them to teach their best lesson every day.

Personalized Professional Learning

HMH partners with schools and districts to foster a culture of growth through relevant, ongoing professional learning for every educator. Connect with us for guided implementation support for your programs, year-round instructional coaching through HMH’s Coachly™ and courses, and shoulder-to-shoulder partnership for leaders from Center for Model Schools.


Awards and Accolades

2023 SIIA CODiE Winner

HMH's ELA K-12 ELA Connected Curriculum won the 2023 CODiE award for "Best Suite of Connected Integrated Solutions" for its unique ability to integrate data with instructional content and professional learning.

2023 SIIA CODiE Winner

Learn more about how HMH and NWEA assessments drive student growth.

Insights and Resources

Learn more about how HMH assessments drive student growth.

HMH Assessment Overview for Teachers

Explore assessment and reporting that inform daily instruction to drive student achievement.

Contact Us about Assessment

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