Assessment of and for Learning
English 3D offers carefully curated assessment types to place students, assess learning, inform and differentiate instruction, and assign grades accurately and effectively.
Entry and Exit Assessments
The HMH Reading Inventory is a computer-adaptive assessment and universal screener that can be administered in 30 minutes. Using the Lexile® Framework, the Reading Inventory provides an objective measure of students’ reading comprehension skills, which educators can then use for placement in and for exiting students from English 3D.
Formative Assessments
The Daily Do Now is a brief vocabulary task that students complete at the beginning of class to review and assess understanding of domain-specific and high-utility academic words. Based on students’ responses to the tasks each day, the teacher can decide to review, reteach, or reinforce a particular academic word or grammar target.
Curriculum-Embedded Assessments
At the end of each Issue, students take an Issue Test, which assesses how well they have mastered the curriculum goals of that specific Issue. These curriculum-embedded assessments measure domain-specific academic words, high-utility academic words, paraphrasing, close reading, language and conventions, and text structure.
Performance-Based Assessments
Teachers also gather information on student understanding through formal writing assignments and formal academic speeches.
Summative Assessments
The Individual Language Inventory was designed for English 3D to measure students’ English language proficiency. This two-part assessment tool (Oral and Written) allows teachers to collect data to consider student placement or exit, monitor progress, and differentiate instruction